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Status Replies posted by BronxWench

  1. I have my precious back!

  2. WCP picked up Second Chances for publication!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I have my precious back!

  4. Now I remember why I never wanted a deviantart. I was excited to use an art forum to exchange ideas and feedback and what did I get? A bunch of elitist trolls who calls anyone who follows the etiquette rules a "n00b", throw foul insults at anyone who asks them to be polite and generally stomp all over anyone trying to have an honest to god discussion. There were good people buried under there somewhere I'm sure, but heavens above! Does that place not even have moderators?

  5. ugh...when it rains it pours!! my aunt on my dads side is having kidney problems!! Grandma is still holding on tho..wish i could go visit her..

  6. He's gone! Oh my god he's finally gone. The nightmare is over and I don't have to deal with my father again! Sadly now for the next two weeks I'll be binging.

  7. He's gone! Oh my god he's finally gone. The nightmare is over and I don't have to deal with my father again! Sadly now for the next two weeks I'll be binging.

  8. Kerosene lamp belong to Jesus, gone bugger up.

  9. Sanura's not going to be on for the next week. IRL issues. Beware jackals hijacking screennames for a bit. This has been a PSA.

  10. my grandma is responding to the cemo so that is good news, off to do hw then i am going to try to update...

  11. Happy Chocolate Egg day :P

  12. Happy Easter everyone!

  13. is a cooking fiend..

  14. Never underestimate the power of incipient hysteria...

  15. Never underestimate the power of incipient hysteria...

  16. Never underestimate the power of incipient hysteria...

  17. OMFG, LEECHES! LEECHES EVERYWHERE! They're crawling through the grass like a horde of blood sucking, hungry ants and showering down from the trees like droplets of black, squriming, biting rain! I don't like nature anymore, please take me home now!

  18. My father let my white cat out and she hasn't been back in two days. It doesn't look like she's coming back

  19. I managed to fracture one of my vertebra today....JOY.

  20. *pokes a wench and wonders if should change that to porks*

  21. wonders if there is a secret tonic you can slip your kids so they fall asleep so i can continue writing without having scooby doo blasting in my ears

  22. I hear the Pianos again =D

  23. In just a few hours, I'm out of here for a little over two weeks - DemonGoddess and the rest of the staff will be around as always to help! I'll see y'all on the flip side!!!

  24. update on my grandma!: she has 3rd stage ovarian cancer...she will start cemo therapy next week :(

  25. Oh by the gods interviews are nerve wracking, panic fueled, scary things that make me want to curl up in a corner and die... but at least there's a chance I have a job.

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