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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. We don’t have a rating system or any other method to indicate popularity other than perhaps the hit count feature. So, that wouldn’t be an option for us in any event.
  2. As I said in our many emails back and forth (the reply feature is actually easier than creating a new email each time, you know), we do not have and will not have any sort of rewards system, points, or whatever you want to call them for any of our stories, original or fan fiction. That is not how AFF works. We have absolutely no interest in implementing what you propose. What is upsetting, to be honest, is to have you ask me the same thing, over and over. As my offspring could attest, it’s not a useful tactic. For many of us who are long time members, we recall the old rating system, which was abused with disturbing regularity. In the overwhelming majority of cases, ratings did not reflect the quality of a story. They were used to indicate popularity based on anything but merit, or to punish an author for content the reader didn’t like. If a story praised a character they thought should be disliked, or contained an unfavorable pairing, the story was rated down. Others had stories rated highly despite a complete ignorance of grammar and spelling because, as an example, the author bashed Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter fandom. Why anyone would read a story clearly marked with a pairing they did not like just for the sake of rating the story down is unfathomable. Ratings were a dismal failure, and the childish abuse led to us discarding them in our code revisions. Where original fiction is concerned, which is any work not based on someone else’s copyrighted materials, if you really want to be rewarded, get published. Submit it to a legitimate publisher, small independent publisher, magazine or blog, or self publish the work on Amazon. But again, we will not allow anyone to use AFF to earn money, from commissions, via Patreon solicitations (or any other self-funding site), or by advertising any product for sale other than through our banner ad program. As far as leaving a review on a story, there’s a link at the bottom of every chapter of every story on AFF right on the left hand side, that reads “Review [Name of Story].” You click that, and you are taken to a text box where you can type in your review. At the bottom is a little gray button link that reads “Post Review” which when clicked will do exactly that. It is up to the author of the story to reply to the review, however, so if someone who hasn’t been on the site since 2012 doesn’t answer your review or hit you up on Discord, writing to us won’t help. We don’t give out email addresses for our members. We have a chatbox; you can see the link at the top of the home page for the forum. It’s available for registered users of the forum. Our site is also mobile-compatible, something we implemented well before you joined. There is no need from our point of view for an app since a great many users access the site from mobile devices with no problems.
  3. Thanks for taking the time to write to us to express your concerns. While we know the subject matter of this story isn't everyone's cup of tea, it isn't against the Terms of Service nor is it illegal. We are well aware of what we can do and not do legally. As long as it is properly labeled, it will remain on the site. This website has always been and will continue to be free of censorship. The option you have as a reader is to click past it to a story that's more to your liking. Title 18, Part I, Chapter 110, Section 2256 of the US Code defines what constitutes child pornography in the United States, the country where AFF resides. The key part of this definition is paragraph 8, including subparagraph A, which states in part: "'child pornography' means any visual depiction … where the production of such visual depiction involves the use of a minor..." The link to it is here: *http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/18/2256.html Also, the Supreme Court took on such a case, and their decision is here: *http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/getcase.pl?court=US&navby=case&vol=000&invol=00-795 Child pornography is only defined as a visual thing as in pictures and such, not dealing with stories. That is what we go by until a law is changed in the US. Though you, and many others, may find it offensive, it's legal right now and per our guidelines on maintaining free speech, will remain until such time as the laws of the land that hosts AFF are changed. Below is a link about our no censorship policy... http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/19094-site-news-1-9-11/
  4. The majority of people are exactly like you. They want to be able to read and re-read at their convenience, and after recently spending five long days without any Internet access at all, I can sympathize. The sad truth is that the rotten apples do spoil the barrel, to use a tired metaphor. AFF is unlikely to include a download feature in the archive code. We won’t make it easier for anyone to steal our members’ work.
  5. Is this a story search request, or are you writing a story based on the play, and looking for a category to be made?
  6. Let’s all raise a glass of mead to @foeofthelance, and wish him a very happy birthday! I’m going to owe you two glasses of mead at the next RenFaire, lad! :lol: :cheers: :wish: :beer:

  7. There’s been no recent staff action with respect to the author or those stories, so I expect PornEater has taken down the work.
  8. There’s been no staff action with respect to that author or account, so I expect he’s taken the stories down himself.
  9. We actually do have people looking for a fic, and it turns out to be on another site. If another member knows that fic, and posts a link to the other site, we don’t take issue with it. The staff, however, because we are all desperately loyal to AFF, won’t post offsite links.
  10. I’ve updated the email address for the original account, so you should be able to access that again. I’ve deleted the new account so there won’t be a conflict in the database due to two accounts using the same email address. With any luck, that should solve the issue.
  11. The new account is showing as pending, which means the admins haven’t cleared it yet. That’s probably because it’s a second account, and the system is supposed to put those on hold for the admin. The trick here is finding the original account. It could be this one: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296826546 or perhaps it’s this one: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296810462 Unfortunately, I can’t see passwords. That’s an admin level of access, so the best I can do is help get this back to one account, so you can either log in or reset the password. Passwords have changed as far as requirements, which might also have been a problem. But first things first. Let’s work on getting the extra account gone.
  12. Spy Kids (Series) (There are no stories yet, but the sub-category exists.) We do need to create the Sharkboy and Lavagirl sub-category, though.
  13. Back in the day, on the old Bioware forums, there was a thread called “The Shirtless Saga.” It birthed many a fanfic.
  14. Well. Five days without Internet thanks to Isaias, and I’m counting myself lucky because I still had power throughout. My neighborhood is mostly private houses and was largely in the dark from Tuesday until about 11:15pm last night. And ConEd is getting an increase this year… :blink: :pissed:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Melrick


      The world shrinks to an alarming size without the internet!

    3. JayDee
    4. Sinfulwolf


      Glad to hear that you’re safe and sound, power loss or not.

  15. I started writing fan fiction for the CRPGs I play, mostly because the writers for the games absolutely suck at writing relationships. (Yes, David Gaider, I am talking to you.) Honestly, even with a ratings-required fade to black, the older games managed a great deal of heavy innuendo that the later games lacked. Well, until Dragon Age, thank the Maker! Then I sort of slipped into a bit of LotR fan fiction because I like elves, particularly Tolkien’s not-at-all-fluffy elves. But I will say, while I would never speak ill of Lee Pace’s portrayal of Thranduil Oropherion, I write based on the books and not the movies or actors. I have to really geek about a fandom to want to write for it.
  16. You might consider posting this as a challenge, given how specific your parameters are. It might be something one of our authors would want to take on.
  17. As @GeorgeGlass said, use the Archive tab to find all the published stories on the site. This forum is primarily an author support venue, although we do allow story searches and challenges to be posted.
  18. Hi, If you can email us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org with the email address you’d like to use, I can change that for you so you can reset your password. I’ll let you know by reply email when I’ve made the update to your account.
  19. BronxWench

    Slavery f/f

    Links for above: Incarceration by Hoop
  20. You can find Dragon Ball Z fanfics here: http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php There is a subcategory for DBZ here: http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=14
  21. Happy Birthday to my dear @pippychick, and may the coming year bring only good things! Love you!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GeorgeGlass
    3. Melrick


      Happy birthday, sweetie :wub:

    4. pippychick


      Thank you all, and for the good wishes :hug: 

      It’s a work in progress. I mean, I accidentally turned up at work yesterday. The universally recognised protocol is to call in sick, but then I haven’t been well… :shifty:

      :wub: to you all.

      Love you @BronxWench and @Melrick

  22. Is this a request for a story, or a search for an existing story?
  23. You might be thinking of “Adaptation” by Aya. The author profile has more information about that story.
  24. BronxWench


    The author, also known here as DedicatedQuill, changed their pen name and removed all their stories from the Internet. I’m also going to ask that anyone who might have a copy of this story please DO NOT use our forums to pass that around. AFF respects the rights of authors to remove content, and we do not allow members to distribute hard copies of any removed works.
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