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Archive Mod
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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Let's see... Pay off mortgages, etc for all my family; Buy a house as opposed to the apartment we own; Set up trusts for my children so they have income for their lifetimes; Pay for college for the kids; Buy a car; Get that uber-gaming computer I dream about, times 4 for all the gamers in the house; Travel... oh, gods, I'd go see all the places I've wanted to see. Alone, so I could enjoy it. That's the stuff for me. I'd also have my lawyers set up a philanthropic trust to contribute to worthy causes after they were vetted for legitimacy. Diabetes research and autism research would be the first that came to mind, but the DAN folks can go screw.
  2. There are many reasons an author might remove their work from the Internet, and we do ask that the author's decision be respected. We do not encourage the passing around of downloaded copies of fictions for that reason.
  3. My pleasure - always happy to help!
  4. When you're doing a crossover story, the fandom in which the story is set determines the archive. For example, if you're setting your story in the Bleach fandom, you'd post it in the crossovers category of the Bleach archive. In your disclaimer, you need to disclaim ownership of ALL the fandoms as well as saying that you make no profit. From there on, it's pretty much the usual!
  5. Our Content Guidelines states that Author's Notes within a chapter can be no longer than 600 words. This actually has been around for a while, and it really is words, not characters. If an author's note goes over 600 words, we email the author and ask them to shorten the note. We give a 7 day period from the time we email, and then, if the note isn't shortened, we do hide the story until the correction is made, or until over 30 more days goes by, at which point we delete the story.
  6. It would help if you could include the name of your story and the archive in which it is published to speed up locating your story. For future reference, our FAQ on disclaimers does contain examples, including a fairly simple example of a fan fiction disclaimer. We do appreciate a bit of creativity, actually, but there are certain things that must be stated in order to stay in compliance with the copyright laws here in the US. It must state that you do not own the fandom, by name, which for you is Captain America. It must say that you make no money or that you make no profit. As long as those things are there and unmistakable, I myself enjoy a bit of humor or creativity. It brightens my day immensely, especially when I've had to review over a hundred stories that day for ToS compliance. I will say that we have very clearly defined criteria for leaving a warning on a story about any ToS issue, and everything we moderators do is submitted for review to the administrators, so it's not a case of our being arbitrary. Even the warnings we leave are standardized and written by the administrators. No one is treated differently that way. As an author, I'm required to observe the exact same rules on this site, and I'd get warned just as quickly and in the exact same manner. In fact, I'd probably get warned faster, since my fellow moderators and the administrators all know a dozen ways to poke me. It's not meant to be punitive, or difficult. It's simply what needs to be done to make sure that fan fiction can continue to be written and published for everyone to enjoy.
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