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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. For you, my favorite paladin, I always have time!
  2. I'm always willing to offer what little I know in terms of my own background and interests. I've worked in finance, and at some rather odd jobs as well such as in a cemetery. I read extensively and love history. I'm working on my skills as a rogue... ::looks at shortbow in closet and lockpicks on desk:: Oh, and I'm very good at snark.
  3. It's worthwhile. Even if you're writing fan fiction, and never hope to profit from it, it's something you put time and effort into. It's a piece of your soul, and having it stolen is a violation. We get that, and we are willing to work hard to keep our site free of plagiarists. Readers know that if they email us with a report, it will be investigated thoroughly, and it will be dealt with quickly if it is a valid report. It doesn't take thirty people reporting daily for two months to get our attention.
  4. I do write a bit in Originals, and the reviews there can be fabulous if you're writing a genre that is popular. I myself tend not to, because I'm like that ( ) but having said that, the other reason I publish Original work here is our dedication to protecting our authors from plagiarism. We do NOT tolerate plagiarism on this site, and we have been known to engage in reporting elsewhere when one of our authors has been plagiarized. It's a comfort level that I don't have elsewhere online for my original work.
  5. In the new code, the Author Panel has been replaced by the Control Panel. If you click that clickable, you are taken to an expanded version of the home page which allows you to edit your profile, recommendations, and add or access your stories by subdomain.
  6. @dragonlady222: Not quite sure what you need help with here. Can you be a bit more specific? Thanks!
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