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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. August 15th by Randomguy664
  2. Before you decide not to write, take a little time to think about why you write. The gods know, I'm not the world's greatest writer, and I fuss and rewrite and drive myself insane rewording things until I publish because I'm going to over-tinker and scrap the whole damned thing otherwise. And then I agonize over what I published, and if it's utter crap. But at the end of the day, the stories want OUT and that's why I write. I try to improve, actively, but I won't stop writing while I'm learning. Knowledge and skill come with time and experience. You'll be fine.
  3. Review Responses for AFF Challenge Prompt Lily: Culloch's Rest - Ch 6 From pittwitch: Thank you so much! I'm glad my take on the fey is working for you! Review Responses for AFF Challenge Prompt Bikini: Culloch's Rest - Ch 7 From pittwitch: Thank you! And getting home is never an easy thing...
  4. Pen Name: BronxWench Story Link: Culloch's Rest - Chapter 8 Review Replies: http://www2.adultfan...iginal-fiction/ Type of Fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult+ Fandom: Original > Paranormal/Supernatural > Het - Male/Female Warnings: ChallengeFic, HJ, M/F, MiCD
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