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Archive Mod
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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Hi, and welcome to AFF! One of the things that's been going on, if you check back on some of the Site News threads, is that we're in the midst of a code rewrite. A great many features are being revamped, but the new code is being rolled out in stages so that we can troubleshoot it as we go, without risking a crash of the entire site. In the meantime, the archive search feature does work reasonably well. You need to begin in the subdomain you wish to search, and keep in mind that words or tags of three letters or less do not work. I find checking the box to allow the MySQL boolean search mode helps a great deal. Alternatively, many subdomains are broken down into categories and subcategories, which can allow you to refine your search by a type of pairing, such as M/M, or by a specific ship, such as Harry/Draco. And finally, if you're looking for something a little less specific, you can always peek in the Searching for a Fic threads here in the forum. It's always possible that someone had been looking for similar types of stories, and you can find recommendations and links to stories that way. As we roll out new features, we will publish updated announcements in both the archive and in the forums, so stay tuned.
  2. Glad to be of help, and please feel free to ask if you run into any other questions.
  3. Hi, and welcome! Just to clarify a bit, Minor1 is for characters under 14, and Minor2 covers characters from 14 to 18. Once the character reaches 18, they are considered adult. The only time we have an issue with a character who is Minor1 or Minor2 is where Real Person Fiction is concerned, We do NOT allow RPF for any person under the age of 18. However, it sounds to me like your story will be an Original Fiction. The only other thing I would point out is that we do have a specific format for disclaimers for Original Fiction that differs from what we ask for fanfictions. You can read the disclaimer FAQ here, and examples are provided. Once again, welcome to AFF!
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