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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Death Note has a subcategory under Anime already: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/main.php?cat=23
  2. Hi, Let's see if we can clear this up for you. This is your disclaimer as it currently stands: The problem is that you have only said that you don't own the characters of Naruto, and that's not enough. You need to say that you don't own the fandom of Naruto. You did that with Dragon Ball Z by not limiting yourself to just characters, but not with Naruto. We have a FAQ for what we need in a disclaimer, and it even has examples. To make this easy, let me offer an example that would work for this case, and you can feel free to copy it and use it: I do not own Naruto or Dragon Ball Z and I am not making any money from this fanfiction. Once you've corrected the disclaimer, we can make the story visible again. You can still access your story, even when it's hidden, by using the Control Panel from your Archive Profile. Let us know when it's been corrected, and we can check and restore the story for you. I hope this helps!
  3. Hi! If you can supply us with the pen name for the old account, we can see what we can do as far as making that accessible again. I would NOT recommend posting email addresses to a public forum, however.
  4. That story was deleted from the archive because the author was underage at the time of posting. The pen name of the author, whose account here no longer exists, was In The Arms Of A Stranger.
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