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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. 19643
  2. 19641
  3. 19639
  4. 19637
  5. sagewhistler
  6. 19635
  7. 19630
  8. 19628
  9. Random Horny Youths Two Handedly Masturbate V I B R A T E
  10. Just.... ouch. Seriously. I've never thought of my abortion and my miscarriages as being the same thing. Not objecting to the definition, obviously, but ouch all the same. Then again, I suppose it's like the hair-splitting between "noncon" and "rape." I'd personally call all noncon rape but that's me, so fair enough.
  11. Relatively Elegant Queen Undertakes Idle Semi Interrogation To Investigate Oral Naughtiness L E V E R A G E
  12. 19626
  13. As someone who's had a couple of miscarriages, I certainly agree that the "abortion" tag is not at all applicable in the case of an irrevocable, involuntary termination of a pregnancy for physical reasons outside the control of the pregnant person. I suppose I'd have to look at the story in question to see if the tag was used to indicate a miscarriage caused by abuse or some other factor that wouldn't be outside the control of one of the parties. I do know that in the case of an impending miscarriage if surgical methods are used to facilitate matters, it is referred to as an abortion. I'll defer to the admins as to the need for a miscarriage tag, but if you can link me the story in question, I'll check for the appropriateness of the abortion link.
  14. 19624
  15. 19622
  16. 19620
  17. 19614
  18. 19612
  19. 19609
  20. 19607
  21. 19605
  22. Victim of the Fall by PrettyDesdemona
  23. 19603
  24. 19601
  25. 19599
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