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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. BronxWench

    M/M Mafia Story

    Do you honestly think that this tantrum is going to accomplish anything at all? I pointed out that the story was hidden, not deleted. We do not wander through the archive and randomly delete stories. There are only a very few reasons we delete a story, and those reasons are clearly delineated in the Terms of Service, a document that apparently is not as well read as we would hope. I can say with some assurance that if your stories were deleted, it was because they were either posted in the wrong subdomain, or were warned, hidden after seven days when the warning was ignored, and then deleted after an additional thirty days had passed. That is procedure, which is followed without discrimination for every author on this site. I will not bother to address the nonsense about teenagers posting. If you were to actually read prior threads, you would understand why that particular issue is so pertinent here, and I am not in the mood to reiterate what's been said all too many times. I will, however, address the issue of quality control. This site was created with the understanding that there would be no censorship, including censorship for reasons of quality control. I myself am fanatic on the topic of grammar, punctuation and spelling, and yet I am not editing your post to point out your many failings. If your stories were anything like your post, I would, however, recommend that you avail yourself of the services of a good beta reader, and not one whose sole qualification was fanpoodling over your work. You are hardly presenting yourself as someone who should point fingers, and quite frankly, I am absolutely tired of the nonstop drama over stories that are decent, but certainly not about to win a Pulitzer. I will end by pointing out that this site is free for both authors and readers to use and enjoy. We donate our time, and in the case of many of the staff, while working a full time job as well. We do this because we believe in what AFF stands for, which does not include anarchy or favoritism because a group of people decide to whine at us for enforcing the clearly publicized rules of the site in an even handed manner. No one is "picking" on Twisted. No one picked on JennMarie. We simply ask that our users behave like the legal adults they are supposed to be. If you believe that you can do better, I invite you to put your money where your mouth is, and create your own archive.
  2. The author in question was a minor at the time the account was created and that story was posted. Accordingly, the account and story were deleted.
  3. BronxWench

    M/M Mafia Story

    Traded has not been deleted. It has been hidden for a violation of our Terms of Service. The nature of the violation is between the author and AFF staff, and we do not discuss that publicly. However, it is now up to Twisted to contact us to resolve the issue. I strongly advise that this not turn into a series of posts that will cause this thread to be locked as inflammatory.
  4. Hi, You don't need to use the Author Tools under the Member Tools pulldown menu. When you are in the Control Panel, look over on the left side, where the subdomains are listed. You'll see that each subdomain now has clickable links for "Add," "Edit," "Delete" and "Remove Review." Click the appropriate link, and you will be brought to a new page with dropdown fields, where you can add a new story, or a new chapter, or edit an existing chapter, as you want.
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