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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. One of the things I love finding in a fiction is a world that is so well written that even in a small glimpse, it pulls me right in. Pittwitch pulls me right in like that, and so have you. It's delightful, because I love to escape into my reading. Now I just need to stuff my family into closets, and then I can read.
  2. I have a good firewall in place via my router, and I update my AV daily. I also have Spybot's TeaTimer running in the background at all times, and I check regularly with MalwareBytes. This is why I feel safe turning off the option. Having said that, you go to Settings, then open Advanced Settings, and in the section headed Privacy, uncheck the option that says "Enable phishing and malware protection." That's it, pretty much. But you need to remember that this will mean that you won't get warnings from any site, not just AFF's false warnings.
  3. I turned off the alert option for Chrome for now. I'd left it on so I could see if it was happening, but I'm ready to tear my hair out with that red screen. I tried calling the NYC number for Google, and it rang for quite a bit before going to voicemail with no identification as a Google number. -.- We are NOT amused.
  4. It's very frustrating for us, believe me. We KNOW our site is not carrying malware, but Google in its monolithic stupidity does not seem to be able to grasp the concept that they are the ONLY ones finding issues. We pay for a service now to sweep our site. No other service is reporting issues. Only Google. And after they have managed to disrupt our site traffic, do you think they will issue an apology for their error? Hardly. They just do it again.
  5. Thank you! There are many puzzle pieces when dealing with the fey, aren't there? It's always a bad sign when the neutral parties start picking sides... And thank you again! Duibhin is pure fey, and I think while Paul may never truly understand him, he's also growing to trust him and see him as a friend and ally, a rare thing indeed.
  6. BronxWench

    Neji/Saku fic

    The author posted that story prior to their 18th birthday, and that story, along with all other pre-18 content, was removed from the archive.
  7. I'm not offended, but I do think this question is so subjective as to become irrelevant. I don't think my opinions should carry such weight, on one hand, but on the other, I would not give anything such an extravagant rating. It's not telling anyone why I liked it. I can only speak to things that please me. I like plot. I like complexity and authors that are in love with language. I like authors that respect and stay as close to canon concepts as possible, and who do not write a character so out of character as to be unrecognizable. I like dialogue that's realistic and fluid. I like authors that bother to research things they write about. I like authors that grasp that "adult" does not mean pornographic or filled with gratuitous violence. I like authors that don't feel the need to spoon feed me every detail, who encourage me to use my own vivid imagination and who paint word pictures capable of allowing me to do just that. Obviously, if someone is only looking for something light, or just some PWP, my rating isn't going to help them very much.
  8. I would consider that example a fair citation, and allow it. Of course, if you used the song again in another chapter, it would need citing again. As far as the links, while I'll defer to the admins on a final call, I would advise that those links be confined to a review reply thread or similar venue, and the same for playlists.
  9. Another factor that can make looking for such an extreme number of votes is that some fandoms simply do not generate that level of participation by readers. Harry Potter, Naruto, or anything in Originals involving vampires, weres or both will have a large number of readers. But there are many wonderfully written works in smaller fandoms where getting a dozen votes is high praise indeed. Your mileage may vary, but I prefer quality over popularity. Not that there aren't good fictions in those popular categories, but they're not as prevalent at the ratings would have you believe.
  10. Thank you! And yes, he's as much a pawn thus far, isn't he? It's a brutal business...
  11. I had to edit mine. It's "best" and not "beast" as I had it...
  12. Thank you! Politics among the fey is treacherous at best, but he's learning!
  13. BronxWench

    Dragon age

    LordDBurroughs has not deleted his account although he has pulled all his stories for rewriting, including The Games We Play.
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