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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. The Edit Chapter option lets you open an individual chapter of the story so you can edit it. You can pick which chapter to edit from the dropdown menu over the text box, and once you select a chapter, it opens in the text box. Then you can edit it, and when you're done, click the button at the bottom that says "edit chapter" and it will save your changes to the archive.
  2. 25627
  3. Had a wonderful time at RennFaire yesterday. I wish I could spend a week there instead of just one day, but maybe I'll go back one more time this year.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      Honestly, it's worth it for the day spent outside my normal reality. :D

    3. Anesor


      any great pictures? :D

    4. Kurahieiritr


      Awesome that you got to enjoy the shows. :) I hope you got lots of great pretties to always rememer your fun day out. :)

  4. 25623
  5. 25612
  6. 25608
  7. 25606
  8. Glad that you were able to find an answer!
  9. Three days of jury duty, followed by a dead computer. Coincidence? Hmm...I could take a page from my sister in law and dream up a wild conspiracy. Oohh, plunnie!

    1. Anesor


      Okay, I'll bite the chocolate plunnie: why would a jury duty conspiracy want your computer dead?

    2. BronxWench


      ::whispers:: Beats me, but I enjoy poking conspiracy theorists. :D

    3. Kurahieiritr


      Now don't poke them too hard, my dear. They might explode really loudly and burst your ear drums from all the hot air releasing all at once. Not to mention the collateral damage of the wind storm of paranoia getting unleashed upon the hapless masses. *Evil Witch Cackles* :)

  10. waddict! You have no idea how much this made my day. After three days of jury duty, and then finally getting sent home to find out that my computer was stone dead, rushing out to buy a new one, and staying up too late to try and get myself to a state of functionality on the new computer, this was exactly what I needed this morning. One of your wonderful reviews. I'm glad you're enjoying this and honestly, I never got the need to fight the lizardmen all the damned time, either. West Harbor coexisted all this time with the clans, and there was no reason for anyone to barrel in there and be aggressive, in my opinion. I'm glad that worked! And yes, Tae has a temper, and Sand lives up to his name sometimes. Going by game canon, she should be about 18 when she reaches Neverwinter, but she's still vastly younger than Sand, and he loves to play games. It's inevitable that they will butt heads, since anyone that can survive being raised by Daeghun is not a doormat and Sand is used to Duncan, who's like shooting fish in a barrel. Tae is attracted to Sand, but that doesn't mean she'll take shit. And Agent Smith meets Elrond, I know! I really would love to have been sharing a Thermos with the artist who did Sand.
  11. For me, as a reader and as a writer, anthro needs a lot more non-human characteristics than what you described. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are anthro. Your character and weres are not.
  12. 25574
  13. Jury duty is mindnumbing. Curse my sense of civic duty...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RogueMudblood


      I'd be afraid to write in one of those situations, only because I'd be afraid my characters would start taking on the traits of the idiots in front of me.

    3. BronxWench


      I have survived Day 2... :D

    4. Kurahieiritr


      Congrats. Do they actually plan on having you come back for a third day? Wowsers!

  14. 25561
  15. Ah, yes. Like the disclaimer FFN adds on that website's guidelines that MA is mentioned although not permitted simply to illustrate what is not allowed in M rated fiction. I can bet almost no one actually read that part. By then, you just want to click that you agree and post your story already. There are things there rated M that are well beyond that rating, and contain enough graphic sex, unusual; fetishes, and gratuitous violence to require nearly every tag we have. They're not in prominent fandoms, however, which means they may never get caught and purged. The hypocrisy astounds me.
  16. 25556
  17. How To Use Search
  18. 25554
  19. The ratings system here is dubious. Any system that can be skewed by anonymous votes up and down is inherently flawed. As far as minors reading things they shouldn't. as we've all said countless times, parental supervision is a large part of that. My kids' computers are in the living room so I know where they go. I've always monitored them. That's part of being a parent. If you want to be your kid's friend, you need to first be their parent and teach them what they'll need to know in life, like obeying rules and not indulging in inappropriate behavior.
  20. 25549
  21. 25547
  22. I've always liked being able to have everything on one site. That was as much a draw for me as the fact that this site was actually moderated, with staff that hung out in the shoutbox and talked to members. Of course, that sort of led to me joining the staff, but it's all good!
  23. 25545
  24. 25542
  25. 22540
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