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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544204711 nuked.
  2. Thank you! It's an amazing feeling, and I'm hoping to publish again soon. My editor thinks it needs a sequel...
  3. Content codes are warnings, yes, and you can change them. They become part of the summary field, so when you go to edit the story, you can select the edit details option, and then edit to summary field to include the new tag. One caveat, though: that field has a character limit of 240 characters, so if the additional tag would go over that, it won't register. In that case, since most authors don't want to cut down on the summary itself, you can place any new content codes/tags at the top of the very first chapter. We don't count that as an author's note for the purpose of that word limit, either. I hope this helps!
  4. My novella is out! :D

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. BronxWench


      Thanks, Melrick! :D

    3. RogueMudblood


      Stop pinching yourself or at the next faculty soiree your husband takes you to, the other staff will start to wonder things. Like whether he read 50 Shades. ;)

      Seriously, hun - kudos!

    4. BronxWench


      Thanks, Rogue! I'll need to avoid sleeveless for a bit! :D

  5. I'm going to indulge in a little shameless self promotion here. My novella, Ghost's Sight, is being released today on Torquere Press, and I wanted to share that bit of good news, along with a link: Ghost's Sight by Morwen Navarre There's an excerpt there, but for anyone too shy to venture over, I'll post it here as well: Did I whet your appetite? Good! Ghost and Gerry would love it if you wanted to read more!
  6. 25836
  7. 25834
  8. 25829
  9. You know I'm eager to play again! PM me with what you might need from me.
  10. 25819
  11. 25817
  12. 25810
  13. 25806
  14. 25804
  15. 25802
  16. 25793
  17. 25781
  18. What was the title of the story?
  19. 25768
  20. 25766
  21. 25764
  22. 25762
  23. 25758
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