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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. 26100
  2. 26098
  3. 26092
  4. 26090
  5. ::grins:: Not to worry. As we said above, we're aware of who has a tendency to edit for the sole purpose of bumping a story, and who is actually concerned with fixing typos and making corrections.
  6. 26088
  7. 26079
  8. 26077
  9. 26074
  10. 26071
  11. 26069
  12. 26067
  13. 26063
  14. 26060
  15. 26052
  16. 26047
  17. 26041
  18. 26039
  19. You can only use letters and numbers in the password reset, and you must have 8 letters and/or numbers for a valid password. If you try using symbols, the system will not allow it.
  20. Hi, The first question is whether or not you still have access to the original account. If you do, you can activate the account and update your email address via the Control Panel in your user profile. If not, we'll add you to the queue to have your email address updated in the database, and you'll be notified when that's done. If yes, this is what we recommend to activate the account: Clear your cache and cookies using these directions. This removes any old cookies and allows the proper ones to be set. Follow these steps to activate the account. Be sure to follow them exactly, and remember that passwords now must be 8 letters and/or numbers long, and are case sensitive. A last thing to note is the center login field glitch. I recommend logging out and logging in again using the upper right hand fields. There is also the IE 10 workaround for uploading stories using the text box. I hope this helps!
  21. 26033
  22. Not to mention that the age verification page only comes up when the cookie has not been set, or the cookies have been cleared from the browser. Having to set a cookie once is not onerous, nor is it requiring our readers to jump through hoops. This is making a mountain out of the proverbial molehill, frankly.
  23. I show you as having one story in Books, three in Harry Potter and another in Originals: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296790289&view=story
  24. 26020
  25. 26018
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