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Archive Mod
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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. We're currently rewriting the archive code, and at some point in future, we may have a better method for searching by tags. If that does happen, I'm sure we'll look at tags again, and perhaps have a secondary level of optional tags that authors can use if they want. Right now, although it's possible to search by tags, we've really focused more on the tags that are required. We never know what the future will bring, though, and we do keep requests like this in mind as the new code is being developed.
  2. As far as vampires and werewolves go, we have Vampires as a subcategory in Originals. In the fandom archives, it's usually pretty obvious which fandoms are prone to having vampires and/or weres, and requiring authors to tag for the obvious when writing a True Blood or Teen Wolf fanfic seems excessively burdensome on the authors. We also need to keep in mind that tags are contained in the Summary Field, and we have a 240 character restriction in that field. We'd like to leave authors room for a summary in addition to those tags. We try to keep tagging to those things that we believe readers need to be forewarned about in terms of content. We add tags as required for content of that nature, like the recent additions of AB/DL, TB/DL, Ageplay and Humanoids. That is content some readers may find upsetting, or objectionable, and therefore we deem it taggable. If we get a huge surge of readers complaining vociferously in email about marriages and weddings, and/or cheating and infidelity, we'll of course look at adding those tags. But for now, I haven't seen any complaints about that content.
  3. You can always use the Search feature in the archive to search for the word "Complete" in the story summary. Any stories that have been marked "Complete" should then be listed. Unlike the content-specific tags, many of which reference trigger issues that can cause readers distress if encountered without warning, we do not require authors to tag stories as "WIP" or "Complete" nor do I anticipate those tags becoming mandatory.
  4. Link for above: Heroes Journey by WogBoyAC
  5. Just going by the title alone, that might actually work!
  6. I'm going to ask the same questions DemonGoddess did: 1. What browser are you using? 2. Did you login using the boxes at the upper right of your browser, or the center boxes? We have a couple of known issues but I need a bit more info to be of any help.
  7. Hi, We've also revised some of the archive's code, so you'll need a bit more than a password reset. I recommend that you begin by clearing your cache and cookies as described here. Then you will need to activate your account under the new code. You can reset your password as part of this process. Just keep in mind that it needs to be 8 letters/numbers long, and is case sensitive. If you run into any problems, let us know here, or via email to tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org and let us have as much detail as possible about the error, including your browser information. I hope this helps!
  8. Link for above: Lemon Drops and Blood Pops by TokiMirage
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