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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. The disclaimer you have in the body of the chapter is more than sufficient. We've allowed disclaimers in the body of the chapter when the disclaimer will cover more than the 240 characters allowed by that field, and the notation to see Chapter 1 in the disclaimer field is also acceptable. The simpler disclaimer in the field, as you have it now, is more than sufficient for our purposes, but the more comprehensive one in the body of the text was not incorrect. I'll update the records to reflect that this was correct.
  2. A very happy birthday to the amazing DemonGoddess061

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      is going to overdose on CHOCOLATE! heeee. thank you!

    3. phoeyay


      YAY, happy birthday DG! :D

    4. GeorgeGlass


      "Overdose on chocolate" implies that it is possible to have too much. Let us know if that's true. :) And happy BD.

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