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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. 29348
  2. Links for above: Sweet Temptation by Pandafaceishere
  3. 29346
  4. 29344
  5. 29342
  6. 29340
  7. I'd think it makes sense to have the updated answers for those questions that would require updating. That way, you have a picture yourself of how she changes over time.
  8. 29338
  9. BronxWench

    Peter Pan

    That author's pen name here was Panymede. I'm not seeing that title listed, but it may help you track the story to have the newer pen name.
  10. 29336
  11. 29334
  12. 29332
  13. 29329
  14. 29327
  15. 29325
  16. 29323
  17. 29320
  18. Is this you? archon If so, the url at the top of your browser is what you need to input as your archive profile. Your archive pen name would be "archon" and that should be what you need. And thank you! We like it here. ::fluffs pillows::
  19. 29318
  20. 29316
  21. 29314
  22. That story was posted when the user was under 18 years of age, and accordingly, that content was deleted from the archive.
  23. 29311
  24. You can search the story summaries for "Complete" which should bring up the story if it's been tagged. We do not have any control over whether or not users tag a story as Complete, any more than any other archive can make users select that tag/option, however.
  25. 29309
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