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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. You should be able to access your reviews from your profile. Go to Stories Written, and select the subdomain. You'll see a list of your published stories, with a clickable link for Reviews.
  2. You're welcome! I'm glad I triggered a solution for you!
  3. I have never tried that. O.o But looking at it logically, until the RTE stops inserting an extra space, the only other option is to use html, I'd think. But even that might not work in the archive itself. The < br > code would give you the return with no spacing. I've never tried that in the archive within a chapter, though. It does work in the review boards.
  4. Given that this is the Search forum, and not the Writers' Corner, I'll ask that we not continue the grammar discussion here. I'd hate to have to lock the thread.
  5. Luddite that I am, I merely backspace out the extra lines in the RTE, since it's generally an extra paragraph break that gets inserted by me that gets doubled. I do exactly the same in the Word file. Since I use the "No Spacing" format, I don't get the automatic space between paragraphs when I type. I have to manually insert those breaks with the "enter" key when I type, so before I post, I just remove that paragraph break between the paragraphs, and the formatting retains the paragraph break at the end of the last line of the paragraph. This is a legacy, mind you, from having begun to write on a manual typewriter with a black and red cloth ribbon. I treat paragraph breaks as carriage returns.
  6. Oh, it gets worse. It's an interfaith marriage. The daft bugger is Bronx Irish Catholic (which is a distinct subset of your vanilla Irish Roman Catholic). I have successfully managed to not quite corrupt a Christian, although if pressed, he will admit to a certain fondness for Beltane.
  7. Not as far as I can tell. I use either LibreOffice or Word 2010, and even in the "No Spacing" style, I get the extra line between paragraphs. It's not all that hard to edit it out in the RTE before I publish, or if I'm feeling up to it, I remove the lines before I copy and paste. My Word file looks awful (I don't save the version with deleted spaces between paragraphs, of course) but it posts perfectly in the RTE.
  8. 29370
  9. Because nothing says you care like a little necromancy? Honestly, the moment someone starts qualifying a position with irrelevancies, I have to walk away. But then again, I'm a cisfemale heterosexual pagan writer of erotic romance in a monogamous marriage with the father of my children. How very scandalous of me.
  10. 29368
  11. 29364
  12. Unlikely Heroes by KusanoSakura Also: Unlikely Heroes: Fallen feathers, mirrored scales and Unlikely Heroes: Redemption
  13. 29362
  14. For Punch Line: Thank you! As a writer, I'm always happy to have entertained, and I will admit to a certain fondness for the Poor Bastard. He's gotten the short end of it at my hands twice now, and yet I have a feeling he might be back for more one day (which could be why I think of him as the Poor Bastard).
  15. BronxWench


    The Truth isn't What You Think by ChaoticNightofFlames
  16. 29360
  17. 29358
  18. "Say Something" by Pentatonix
  19. 29356
  20. 29354
  21. 29352
  22. We're looking to do that as part of the code rewrite project, but we're not at that stage yet. believe me, we'll all be happier if we can have a separate field for tags. In the meantime, we do allow tags to be added in a brief author's note at the top of the first chapter, or at the top of each chapter if the story evolves in an unanticipated direction. We treat those notes as part of the disclaimer, and we won't warn you for missing tags that way.
  23. Actually, speaking as a moderator for the moment, we don't encourage asking readers to suggest ideas in the review boards. That sort of thing is best taken to the forum, because there is a fine line between asking readers for ideas and posting a poll in the story, which is not allowed per our Terms of Service and Content Guidelines. As a writer, I have been chastised for not including my review reply thread in each chapter, so I heartily second Aysha's recommendation there.
  24. Welcome!
  25. 29350
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