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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Because of the new security measures, it seems the usual password reset link isn’t working properly. I can generate a working link however, and in fact have emailed a new link to you that should work if you follow the updated guidelines.
  2. For the moment, certain features have been disabled while we make sure the site is properly secured against another attack on the site. Formatting in the RTE is one of those things that’s been disabled for the time being. As our coder continues to ensure the site is properly protected, she’ll be able to restore those functions. We’re a bit of a work in progress, but we think it’s better to be safe than sorry, and have the site shut down again for a few months.
  3. Well, I can always generate new links as needed. I don’t know what the issue is, though.
  4. I’ve sent you fresh links to activate your account and reset your password.
  5. It shouldn’t be related to that. Your IP here on the forum matches what I have in the archive. Did you clear your browser cache and history? It could be “remembering” your old password (the one with the illegal characters) which would be why you can’t log in. In any event, I’ve emailed you fresh links. Let’s reactivate and create another password...
  6. As long as there’s no link in the story/chapter, or in your bio text, I wouldn’t have an issue with it. I have a line in my profile: “If you want to know more about the work I publish, you can visit my blog.” Of course, my blog has morphed into a freebie Wix website, but there you have it. I do have the link to that website in my profile as well. Adding a personal website is permitted by our terms of Service, as long as it’s not a link to your Amazon author’s page or the like.
  7. Glad to hear it worked out! (And make sure you have a VERY good malware/antivirus running when you're on those public access wifi networks!)
  8. I’m emailing you the email validation link and a new password reset link. You won’t be able to reset your password until you validate your email address, which hasn’t been done yet.
  9. Aside from the obvious security risks of public access wifi, it’s entirely possible the IP changed from what we have in our database. I’ll email you fresh links. Revalidate, and then you should be able to reset your password, but keep in mind, if you are trying to use an old password when resetting, you are blanking the field and triggering another password reset. You shouldn’t need to reset your password every time you can’t log in. What you can do is clear your browser cache and history, click the three bars in the archive homepage and see if you are logged in or not. If you are, you’ll see your pen name. Log out, and then log in again, and it should work.
  10. Please forward the email with the password reset information to tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org and I will be able to find your archive profile. I will then be able to delete that profile as you’re requesting.
  11. Your archive profile has been deleted per your request.
  12. It looks like you’ve validated the account, but you need a password reset. I’m emailing you the link to reset your password. If you run into any issues resetting it, you can reply to that email, and I’ll definitely answer since I monitor that inbox regularly.
  13. I’m going to tag @manta2g and hopefully she’ll be able to pinpoint the issue for us.
  14. We’ll try a fresh link, and maybe clear your cache just to be sure any old information isn't hanging about.
  15. I’ve emailed you the activation link and a fresh password reset link.
  16. The only thing I can think of is that the password doesn’t meet the requirements, or was perhaps not a new password. Password rules recap: Between 12-18 letters and/or numbers long, case sensitive. NO punctuation, spaces, or special characters allowed. Do NOT use your old password, or let Google make a strong password full of forbidden characters for you. If that’s not the case, let me know, and we’ll look into it further.
  17. Just to be sure, is this your account? https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=10113
  18. I’ve sent you a new link via email. Hopefully, this one will work for you.
  19. Given that the tackles in both chapters are done with different motivation/intent, you don’t necessarily need to make Chapter 1 more detailed to match Chapter 2. That’s my opinion, anyway. But if you want to add a bit more detail to indicate the mood, that might help set the stage for the next chapter by making the differences in the tackles clearer.
  20. How about this one: Batgirl – Worst Nightmare by NightCrepper
  21. Revision and editing are probably the hardest parts of writing (aside from the dreaded marketing blurb). So, my advice is to get the initial revisions done to chapter one, and then re-read the whole thing. Make notes when something happens that you don’t think was properly introduced, or hinted at in earlier stages of the story. Read it aloud, if you can (and this is something I drive my family insane by doing). Here’s the thing. When you’re revising and editing, you hit a phrase, or a sentence, and you think, “Oh, that was great, I don’t want to lose that.” Experience has taught me those are the first bits I need to let go of, because they are going to hold me back. I copy and paste them to a separate document, and I leave them there. Most of the time, when I do that, I find myself writing something much clearer and stronger, because I’m not trying to bend the story to fit that pretty turn of phrase or that insanely seductive and often obscure word I’ve fallen for. When I’m done, there might be a place for that word or phrase, and I can copy it and bring it back into the chapter, but if not, I have a file of pretty phrases and words to serve as plot bunnies and inspiration for a new story.
  22. Is it your emotional connection that worries you, or that of your readers?
  23. I’ve responded to your DM. We’ll get this sorted!
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