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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. BronxWench

    slash story

    Link for above: Thee Road Less Traveled by Suryallee
  2. Link for above on AFF: Controlling Puppy by redhaze
  3. Thank you! The story is visible in the archive once more.
  4. Sinus migraine --1, BW--0

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      Thank you! 36 hours of misery later, I think I might be past the worst of it. It's the rites of spring, innit? Look, things blooming! Pollen! AUGH! :D

    3. Kurahieiritr


      Sad that you felt so miserable. Migraines are the worst. Glad you are feeling much better now. :)

    4. Krulos


      I hope you're feeling better by now.

  5. The author is Aini, and as far as I can tell, the author removed the story. I'm not showing any record of staff action.
  6. hina88 removed the story as noted on her profile. We do not permit requesting copies of stories that have been removed, whether by the author or by the staff of AFF.
  7. Even if the celebrity in question is of legal age now, you cannot write about her sexual past when she was younger than 18. Anything sexual must take place when she is 18 or older.
  8. @ Guest Mckayla: First, we do have help threads which are open for guest posting, as opposed to tagging your query onto a challenge thread. Second, we have FAQs here that will help you. Help with stories is here and profile help is here. If you still need help, post a question here.
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