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Everything posted by BoredStraight

  1. hmmmm... then robes and loin cloths would be a little strange. I would just go with regular cloths altered to fit human-animal hybrids. Like Jay Dee said to use zippers in the back, and sandals for big feet. If human-animal hybrids were common place then of course clothing stores would probably have sections just for them.
  2. What time period is it? And is it set in this world or a fictional one? Those would probably be the two biggest deciding factors on what cloths he would wear.
  3. I just got little flower shaped post its... yeah I'm just cool like that
  4. Another three day weekend for me hehe I could get used to this....

  5. I'm glad to hear someone else loves buying office supplies as much as I do. I thought I was just weird. haha
  6. I write first drafts by hand in notebooks, binders, napkins, whatever. Partly because I love the physical act of writing, and partly because like you I don't always have access to a computer. PLUS I've lost a lot of work when computers have kicked the bucket on me. I edit when I type out the finished peice. I also like to write by hand because I love to buy notebooks, pens, even post its. I actually just went to Staples yesterday and I was like a kid in Toys R Us.
  7. Maybe christmas? Or what they said....
  8. Hey Welcome!! Believe me I don't think anyone could be "to strange" on this site :)

  9. I went on my first date last night since I got divorced, and it went really well!!! It feels good to be free!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BoredStraight


      BW: Freedom is a great feeling!!

    3. BronxWench


      I'm on husband number 2 myself, but this one is a keeper! ;)

    4. BoredStraight


      BW: That's good, I need to find a keeper! But right now I just wanna have fun...

  10. Have a Merry Christmas everybody! I probably won't be back on till monday.

    1. Shadowknight12


      And a Merry Christmas to you too! With less boredom, I hope.

    2. Techno-Ninja


      Merry Christmas to you too. :)

    3. BronxWench
  11. My Dad just demanded that I buy my step mother a christmas present. I thought buying presents was supposed to tell the people you love that you care about them. Not forcing you to buy something for someone who treats you like shit just to be fake nice....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BoredStraight


      SK: hahaha I love it! Choked to death on a cracker... I should put that on her christmas card.

      Keith: You are totally right, she did bitch at him because no one got her anything last year. I will get her something for my dad's sake, just to be nice

    3. Onihime


      Good thinking Keith! ~offers hugs~ Sorry you're forced to buy a gift for someone you don't like and who doesn't like you as well Bored.

    4. BoredStraight


      Thanks for the sympathy Oni!!!

  12. I have a God awful office Xmas party tonight AFTER work so I don't even get payed for it :(

    1. Shadowknight12


      Go around with your camera to capture indiscretions!

    2. Sakiera


      And then use said pictures to negotiate raises

    3. BoredStraight


      hahaha I should have!!

  13. Man I really need to get started on Christmas shopping.... tomorrow....maybe....

  14. Ok guys make room for the next Ms. Cleo cause on Fri I said here "Why can't adults have snow days?" And guess who didn't have to go to work today or yesterday because of the snow!! YAY!!

  15. Why can't adults have snow days, and not have to go to work???

    1. marley_station


      You can if you work for the government.:)

  16. This is the first time I've written anything for a prompt or challenge but here goes.... Pen Name: Bored Straight Story Link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103022 Review Reply thread: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=600103022 Type of Fic: Flash Fic Rating: Adult+ Fandom: Original Pairings: N/A Warnings: no sex, drugs and alcohol, oneshot
  17. Have you ever looked at a man and just knew God put him on Earth just for women to look at and appreciate his beauty? The answer is Yes it's Johnny Depp! And his new movie is coming out this fri, I can't wait!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ApolloImperium


      ROFL - We've been posting pictures in the shoutbox, this isn't a picture, but it's damn good art! http://www.awmcraft.com/male-celebs/best/johnny-depp/johnny-depp-05.jpg

    3. marley_station


      LOL my daughter would certainly agree with you. He ages like fine wine, doesn't he?

    4. BoredStraight


      BW: Keith Richards isn't too shabby, considering how he's getting up there in years.

      Apollo: OMG ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!!! I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that! It is damn good art! I swear if someone sold that in poster size I would totally put it on my living room wall lol

      MS: It is incredible how he manages to get even hotter the older he gets :)

  18. People are disposable? Sorry ShadowKnight, I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with that one. Speaking as someone who still has friends (best friends, that I still hang out with all the time) that I met in elementary school, and middle school people are not disposable! If I thought that, I wouldn't have kept friends over all these years. I think people can sense when you think their disposible or not important, and who would want to hang around with someone who thought that about them? Now I do agree with you in that I think its right to stop being friends with someone if you conflict with them on a moral level or something else major, but still I have friends who believe way different things than I do, and were still friends, friends who have lively debates. I do think there are some major negative consequences for not having friends, we're all human, and we all need human contact. And believe me this is actually weird for me to say because I'm one of those lone wolf types who value their solitude very highly. But lone wolves are also mammals who need companionship to thrive instead of just survive. I don't have a lot of friends, but the ones I do have I'm so close with, their like family, and I know they would be there for me no matter what, just like I would be there for them. What fun is money, your job, or hobbies if you have no one you love to share them with? Just a thought....
  19. I did nothing this weekend but read and work on my new story. It was awesome!

  20. Title: Hell's Most Wanted Author: ME BoredStraight Summary: NOW COMPLETE Satan hires an assassin to hunt down Dean, murder him, and drag his soul back to hell. But the half demon he hires falls in love with Dean and must decide whether to kill her love or face Satans wrath. If Dean doesn't kill her first. Rating: Adult+ Pairings: Dean/OC Feedback: This story has yet to be reviewed, so feel free to pop my review cherry! URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095934 Thanks everyone for reading this, and a special thanks to those who actually clickity click on that link! BoredStraight
  21. YAY it's friday!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shadowknight12


      Hahah, yesterday was "pause in the middle of a sentence and stare into the distance" day. Hope coursework is treating you nicely! :D

    3. Asexual Biped

      Asexual Biped

      XD Nice! And it isn't at the moment, but at least I only have a week left.

    4. BoredStraight


      I hope your finals go well ab! Good luck!!

  22. Title: The Last Night On Earth Speech Author: ME BoredStraight Summary: COMPLETE oneshot that takes place the night before Dean and the gang try to kill the devil with the colt. Rating: Adult+ Pairings: Dean/Joe Feedback: This story has yet to be reviewed, so feel free to pop my review cherry! URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095955 Thanks everyone for reading this, and a special thanks to those who actually clickity click on that link! BoredStraight
  23. I'm getting my new Samsung Epic today!! I can't wait until the UPS guy comes, I feel like a little kid waiting for Santa! I'm so excited! **jumps up and down giggling**

    1. Shadowknight12


      Congrats! Have fun with it!

    2. Techno-Ninja


      Sounds like me when I get a new gadget. lol I hope ya have fun with it. ^^

    3. BoredStraight


      I did have fun with it! I practically jumped the UPS guy when he finally came haha

  24. I'm not sure. I've had my dog meike for two years now, she's a pit bull rotweiler mix. But I had always wanted a little chihuahua, so when I moved from my apartment into the house I live in now, I got a little chihuahua puppy (his name is Peabody, he's currently around six months old and only 3 pounds! Compared to my 90 pound pit bull!) Anyway everyone I knew said it was stupid, and my pit bull would eat the chihuahua. But I said fuck em, and I was right, both dogs get along better than great! The chihuahua actually likes to pick on my pit bull, bitting her ears and tail, walking on her when she's trying to take a nap.... its hilarious. So my point is sometimes you just have to say fuck em! And do what you want! BUT I never let them be alone together when I'm not there, and when I first brought the chihuahua home I watched them both like a hawk. So you do have to take the potential for danger seriously and be on your guard so no one gets hurt. Well thats my two cents
  25. I just found my profile on aff.net from 7 years ago....I'm mortified by what I thought was good writing. I was only 15 though.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BoredStraight


      I have no problem with you removing it, I was going to ask if you could. I will PM you the link right now

    3. DemonGoddess


      Thanks for you honesty. I really DO appreciate it!

    4. BoredStraight
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