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Posts posted by ApolloImperium

  1. EDIT: As a clarification, I think it's sad because we should've totally made it higher. :D


    Well, I look at this way.... They don't seem to be in any particular order, but still, 10 out of 13 considering some of those sites do content control and stuff? I'm not complaining!!! (Next time though.....)

  2. So I got the most amazing email tonight and totally squee'd when I read it!

    Accredited Degrees Online just put up a 'Top 51 Twilight Blogs' and while the first 26 are websites devoted to Twilight, 27 to 40 are Fan Fiction sites... AFF is listed as number 37!

    37. Adult Fan Fiction – Twilight : Expect Bella and Edward romance (and more) from these erotica stories written for adult eyes only.

    Take a look at the full list here: Top 51 Twilight Blogs

  3. I love the fact that our users are so very passionate about the site to ensure that we are aware of things like this. Personally, I try not to sweat stuff like this until it becomes law. Playing the what if game will just end up giving me ulcers lol! But, as DG said, we are definitely keeping an eye on this and any other legislation that may impact the site. the ACTA has already been in the works for 3-4 years and with the way government goes, it may be another 3-4 years before they get close to passing something. When the time comes we'll take appropriate measures and make sure that its communicated to all of you :)

  4. We are bringing back the AFF store in grand fashion - AFF once again is sponsoring a 2011 Art Contest to create both a wall calendar and new items for our CafePress store!!!

    So, we need you, the artists out there to help!

    To avoid an extremely large post here in the forums we have created a page on the main site listing all the guidelines for your submissions. Page located here.

    This topic is left open for any questions, please do not post submissions or any identifying information regarding your submissions here.

    Thanks! Happy Creating!

    Cafe Press template - temp_11.5x9_print.zip

  5. There are two uses for this forum: User posted drabble challenges and AFF's weekly drabble contest.

    So here are the basic rules for the AFF weekly challenge!

    1. Each week I will post a new writing prompt that needs to be used in some way, shape or form in your story.
    2. While the topic will be visible once the weekly news posting goes up, you will not be able to post to the topic until 8am Friday. It will not close at the end of the week, but will stay open in case people decide to take the challenge at a later date.
    3. There are now four different word counts to choose from - TwitFic: 140 Characters (Not words, characters ^.^), Drabble: 100 words (No more, no less), FlashFic: Up to 1,000 words, or ShortStory, which is anything over 1000 words.
    4. To submit your entry, please post the following information and only this information: Your Pen Name, a link to the story and if it's a TwitFic, Drabble, FlashFic or ShortStory. Also include rating, fandom, pairing and warnings.
    5. The Weekly Prompt thread is only to post your story - Any reviews on the stories should be put on the author's stories. Please do not leave commentary in the topic, those posts will be removed.

    Basic Rules for User submitted challenges:

    1. Please post your prompt in it's own topic
    2. Prompts should be applicable to any fandom
    3. If you would like to see a specific fandom, pairing, etc, you may place it as a request.
    4. As above, please post the following information and only this information: Your Pen Name, a link to the story and if it's a TwitFic, Drabble, FlashFic or ShortStory. Also include rating, fandom, pairing and warnings.

    Sample post:

    Pen Name: Apollo

    Story link: (Link)

    Review replies link: (link, if you have one)

    Type of fic: Drabble

    Rating: Adult ++

    Fandom: Original

    Pairing: N/A

    Warnings: M/M, PWP, Oral, Bond

    Have fun writing!!!!

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