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Everything posted by ApolloImperium

  1. *steals cookies well, because she can, chews, swallows and keeps the count going* 8556
  2. 8548 (I'm a little scared that I'm participating in this...)
  3. I have noooo clue where this should go, but I'm 99% certain its not Weiss. http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600049936
  4. Pen Name: Apollo Story Link: AFF's Weekly Prompt: Haunt Type of Fic: Drabble Rating: Adult Fandom: Original Pairing: N/A Warning: No Sex
  5. Here is an FAQ that includes some good links explaining Twitter and giving step by step instructions how to set up an account: Twitter FAQ
  6. If you would like to follow us on Twitter, you can go to the AFF Twitter Page and if you have a twitter account already, follow us that way! Or you can always search @adultfanfiction At this time we will only be using the Twitter feed for news notifications, keep an eye on future news posts for any changes to this!
  7. We are bringing back the AFF store in grand fashion - AFF once again is sponsoring a 2011 Art Contest to create both a wall calendar and new items for our CafePress store!!! So, we need you, the artists out there to help! To avoid an extremely large post here in the forums we have created a page on the main site listing all the guidelines for your submissions. Page located here. This topic is left open for any questions, please do not post submissions or any identifying information regarding your submissions here. Thanks! Happy Creating! Cafe Press template - temp_11.5x9_print.zip
  8. Prompt: Candy Please remember to follow the rules as outlined here: Rules Happy Writing!
  9. Prompt: Witch Please remember to follow the rules as outlined here: Rules Happy Writing!
  10. Prompt: Haunt Please remember to follow the rules as outlined here: Rules Happy Writing!
  11. There are two uses for this forum: User posted drabble challenges and AFF's weekly drabble contest. So here are the basic rules for the AFF weekly challenge! Each week I will post a new writing prompt that needs to be used in some way, shape or form in your story. While the topic will be visible once the weekly news posting goes up, you will not be able to post to the topic until 8am Friday. It will not close at the end of the week, but will stay open in case people decide to take the challenge at a later date. There are now four different word counts to choose from - TwitFic: 140 Characters (Not words, characters ^.^), Drabble: 100 words (No more, no less), FlashFic: Up to 1,000 words, or ShortStory, which is anything over 1000 words. To submit your entry, please post the following information and only this information: Your Pen Name, a link to the story and if it's a TwitFic, Drabble, FlashFic or ShortStory. Also include rating, fandom, pairing and warnings. The Weekly Prompt thread is only to post your story - Any reviews on the stories should be put on the author's stories. Please do not leave commentary in the topic, those posts will be removed. Basic Rules for User submitted challenges: Please post your prompt in it's own topic Prompts should be applicable to any fandom If you would like to see a specific fandom, pairing, etc, you may place it as a request. As above, please post the following information and only this information: Your Pen Name, a link to the story and if it's a TwitFic, Drabble, FlashFic or ShortStory. Also include rating, fandom, pairing and warnings. Sample post: Pen Name: Apollo Story link: (Link) Review replies link: (link, if you have one) Type of fic: Drabble Rating: Adult ++ Fandom: Original Pairing: N/A Warnings: M/M, PWP, Oral, Bond Have fun writing!!!!
  12. Status Updates from Apollo Art for a 2011 AFF Calendar Contest Since we have secured the AFF Store on CafePress, we are going to start to make use of it again! To do so though, we are calling on you our loyal readers to help. Put on your thinking caps, get out your pencils (or computers if you're new school) and get drawing! Please see this topic for all the important details! Dribs, Drabs and Doggy Tales! AFF will be starting a weekly Drabble Prompt! Yes, that's right... We are taking drabbles & flashfics to a whole new level! Each Sunday I will be posting a new prompt and the challenge will be to explore the topic in your fandom of choice or in an original piece. Please visit this forum starting Sunday 8am for complete rules and the 1st prompt! Twitter update The link in your profile to your twitter account is now live! This will be handy for authors to post when they update, and their users to simply subscribe to their twitter pages to know when the updates are made. Funding Status Information to exact status is always found on the donations page. Currently, the site has $184.10 stored in PayPal. October's hosting costs have been paid and with expected advertising revenue we are well covered for November! We do always appreciate donations though! Please see the donation page for further information on how. Technical Updates from DemonGoddess Lost password function Currently not working, due to the core software upgrade. While the fix is being worked on, this is what users need to do in the meantime. Post to this forum, with link to your author page. Someone will be sure to manually generate the email for you from the backend. Clean up Update The following top levels have been created, or will be shortly: in books subdomain - Twilight in cartoon subdomain - Kim Possible (coming soon) in comics subdomain - DC 'Verse Comics, DC 'Verse Cartoons, DC 'Verse Movies in xmen subdomain - Marvel 'Verse Comics, Marvel 'Verse Cartoons, Marvel 'Verse Movies To help facilitate story moving, here is what can be done. This is something requires a member assist. Email to forums@adult-fanfiction.org , subject Cleanup req Where a subcategory does not yet exist (this applies to the DC and Marvel top levels), start with the category req for it. Then, link to the story you need moved to the new top levels. Re-add the story to the category if it already exists, if not, I will email you when it's created, and then add it then. DO NOT delete the old story. I need that for some of the data, which I will then add to the new upload. After I'm done with that, moving any attached reviews, and adding the story rating that was pre-existing, I will delete the old story. Alternatively, this can all be posted in the category requests forum. Once I've finished with any data migration needed done for that request, expect to see the topic closed. I would also ask where there are stories in process of migration already (such as Angel in the tv subdomain), that those users do this as well. Upcoming software change Enhanced searching. The engine has to be installed to the server, and the search routine has to be rewritten to allow for the new search engine, so that it all works properly. The new core search engine is designed with large databases in mind, and doesn't work right on small databases. As we all know, our current search engine leaves a lot to be desired. That's simply because the database itself is far too large for it to work effectively. The current search engine works fine on databases which are 200MB in size or smaller. As ours is 7.6GB and growing, one can see the problem. ETA on that is one to two months. Forum modifications Arcade - new version for IPB 3.1.x in development. I have found an alternate, which already works with this version of the forum. Casino - new version for IPB 3.1.x in development. Have not found an alternate which works with this version of the forum. Attack Shop - new version for IPB 3.1.x in development. Have not found an alternate of any kind. For the ones I've mentioned that are in development, I have no ETAs for code release. They're too early in to the rewrites to give one. These modifications are all being rewritten in php 5.x, just as the forum itself was rewritten in php 5.x. I also have to find a working points system, to even be able to install any of this.
  13. Just a heads up if you visit the CafePress Store at all: In preparation for the redesign and new content, we have temporarily removed all content from the store. If you visit the store, there will be nothing available for purchase. I will post any updates or new information as we have it, so if you're interested in the store please feel free to watch the thread!
  14. *blinks and adopts innocent eyes* You could always teach me to code and then I could do it on my own.... *grins* But since I think most of our members prefer the site in working order, perhaps you shouldn't....
  15. These programs were written for the old coding and with the upgrades we completed don't work right now. DG is exploring the add on's for the new coding to see what extra's we'll be able to add on. Hopefully we will have new stuff soon!
  16. I think a lot of it too has to do with the author's writing style. I believe that so long as they are used sparingly they can still have impact. Now if every sentence is formatted that way....
  17. Forum Upgrade Completed As you may have noticed, DemonGoddess completed the forum upgrade last week and we now can say that we are up-to-date on the forum end. Due to the changes in the scripting, you may also have noticed that the old familiar look is no longer available, but good news abounds because this means that you can control the look. If you scroll down to the very bottom of the page, you can see that there are a variety of different skins to choose from, so feel free to play around and find one that you like! Upcoming Contest Since we have secured the AFF Store on CafePress, we are going to start to make use of it again! To do so though, we will be calling on you our loyal readers to help. Put on your thinking caps and your eye out for details about an upcoming original art contest to help revive the store! Funding Status Information to exact status is always found on the donations page. Currently, the site has $156.35 stored in PayPal. October's hosting costs have been paid and with expected advertising revenue we are well covered for November! We do always appreciate donations though! Please see the donation page for further information. AFF Store and admin@ email address The store will be coming back, new and improved, I promise. However, like I said above, it's going to take a bit of work and some help! As for the admin email address? Well, I'm still slogging through bit by bit. If at all possible, please still refrain from sending new mail to it. I would be most grateful! Twitter coming to AFF We have finally found a way that as Author's you can notify your readers about new stories or updates! In your author's panel we will be adding in a field for your Twitter information. If you so desire, you can create a Twitter feed that your readers can then follow to stay up to date on all your fiction happenings! AFF will also be joining Twitter once this goes live that way you can follow us and we will have yet another way to keep you informed on all the latest happenings! Happy reading! Apollo
  18. Thanks for sharing! It's such a huge issue with women nowadays - We need to make sure that we pay attention! AFF will also be adding a few not for profit banners linking to various Breast Cancer Awareness sites into the footer banners so keep an eye out! Keep the boobies healthy!
  19. Hi! A pleasure to meet you! Thank you for all you do to help the site!!

  20. And a big round of applause :clap:for DG! With out her hard work, this wouldn't have gone so smoothly!!!!
  21. At this point in time, there is no way to get update notices - You would simply have to bookmark the story or author and check back periodically to see if there is anything new to read. Sorry
  22. Heyas everyone! I'm entering the world of writing het, something that I have never done before... That being said, I'm more than a little nervous and unsure about my writing, so would love one of the wonderful beta's that I know are out there to help! As I said, it's het, purely at this point. I'm entertaining the possibility of perhaps a threesome later on tho. It will be erotic, and there will be some BDSM, not sure how heavy tho, D/s, some fetish maybe, and pulling from our wonderful content codes: Fingering, SoloM/F, HJ, anal, toys, etc. I'm looking for someone who can be 100% honest with me, and I mean 100%! If it sucks, I wanna know. If it needs work, I wanna know. Between the site, school and other commitments I can't say that I'll be on a steady writing schedule, so I would need someone flexible, but willing to poke at me here and there as a reminder to write. If your willing to work with me, feel free to shoot a message on here and we can work out the details!
  23. I would Yaaar...but I seem to have a dagger in me mouth!
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