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Posts posted by ApolloImperium

  1. K allowed Satoshi to ride him for a few moments as he tangled tongues with Sand, hands reaching up to caress the sensative ears before he pulled away. He placed one strong hand on Satoshi's hip, stopping him firmly while just the tip was buried inside him. "Stay," he growled, voice deep with passion, "Move and you lose this cock from your ass."

    Confident the man was going to obey, he let go of the hip and trailed his fingers up to Satoshi's chest to find those delicoious rings again. Hooking his fingers in them, he paused for a moment, winking up at Sand. In one smooth motion, K arched his hips hard and fast, slamming into the smaller man just as he yanked quite firmly on the jewelry.

  2. Apollo noticed Kansas being chained up and almost went to release him, but he wasn't her pet so she let him be. Besides, T was being very distracting with those talented fingers dancing over her body and his mouth rediscovering the spots on her neck that made her whimper softly in pleasure.

    With a hard tug, Kay removed the speedo without having to move away from the flesh laid out before him like the finest buffet. Sensing that Satoshi liked it more on the rougher side of things, he switched to the other nipple, biting harder when he felt the other's teeth dig into his shoulder. Using his teeth to roll the flesh around the piercing, he tugged the jewelry with his tounge. Bringing his hands down from Sand's ears, he used one to twist the abandoned nipple roughly, pinky caught in the ring. Feeling Satoshi sink onto Sand's erection, he reached down with the free and to encompass both of their lengths, stroking them.

  3. Accepting the coffee, Apollo barely had time to take a sip before T scooped her in his arms and stood. Apollo clutched at her coffee with a yelp, glad to see the hot liquid hadn't spilled and glared at him. "What are you doing?"

    "Shifting to another viewpoint," he replied as he stepped over the edge and deposited her gently on a lounge chair before taking her coffee and putting it to the side. He slipped in beside her, spooning. "You can still see and I have more room to maneuver outside the semi crowded tub."

    Snuggling back into him, she watched as the three men kissed. What a sight to behold!

    K heard the advice from both sides and thought for a moment how to best accomplish the ends. With Apollo and T having vacated the spot across from them, he pushes upwards, neatly depositing Sand on the opposite seat with Satoshi sprawled invitingly in his lap. Resting a knee on either side of the men, he bends his head to Satoshi's chest, teeth firmly taking ahold of the pebbled flesh, a scream barely registering as hands slide up Sand's shoulders to his neck and eventually ears.

  4. "Vale, while you are up, please fill mine as well," Apollo requested, holding out her mug absently as she watched the small pile of men grow across from her.

    Always the exhibitionist, K arched against Satoshi, rubbing cloth against bare skin invitingly. The hand in the hair shifted to rest on Sand's shoulder, pulling him in closer and effectively sandwitching Satoshi in. Working his lips along Satoshi's jaw, he leaned forward to capture Sand's mouth, teeth tugging gently on the full lower lip. "Glad you could join us... The more the merrier!"

    T brushed back Apollo's hair, biting softly where her neck met her shoulder before running his tongue over the teeth marks. Apollo could feel his excitement at the show that was going on and merely tilted her head to the side to give him the access he was looking for. Reaching a hand behind her, she ran her fingers through those soft curls before yanking firmly on them to bring those lush lips to her own.

  5. K pulled Satoshi onto his lap, one hand picking at the jewelery adorning his nipples as the other fists gently in the green strands. "You say it like it's a bad thing..." Pulling Satoshi in closer, he gives him a proper kiss, steamy enough to compete with the warmth of the hot tub.

    Apollo looked on in amusement, "You know Bronx, he was the one that started all the issues in the car ride here... Not that I was complaining, it was just a very distracting drive. He was so looking forward to the number of men who were going to be here." Shaking her head slightly, "He'll be the one to give me trouble, I just know it."

    K chose that moment to break off the kiss and glance over at her. The slight European accent added to the promise in his voice as he purred, "I may be very bad on occasion, but it's only because I love your punishment so very much Mistress..." He continued playing with the Japanese man's chest, almost absently as he looked over at Sand. "It's quite an interesting experience... Be careful though, too forceful and they knock against the teeth in a way that isn't so pleasing."

  6. Ever one to cause mischief, K reaches over and runs a hand down Satoshi's chest, shifting trajectory just enough for the fingers to trace down along his leg. Leaning in close, he catches one of the piercings between his teeth and tugs gently. "Why so shy my pretty? You were rather enthusiastic last night..."

    Apollo grinned and rested her head on T's shoulder, turning to the side so she can eye up Sand and Vale. "You look well sated m'dear. Good night I take it?"

  7. Looking at his very serious face, Apollo tried very hard not to burst out laughing and increase his discomfort. Biting the inside of her lip, she indicated her men in their very tight, barely there speedo's. "I don't think any of us mind naked men in the least and for all intents and purposes they really aren't wearing very much either."

    K looked up at the other man and just shook his head, "Wuss..." Reaching up, he grabbed Satoshi's arm and with a swift tug, pulled him over the side of the hot tub and into his lap. "There, no more excuses, you are in and wet. Toss the robe over the side and be done with it."

    The others just shook their heads and grinned, leave it to the brash K to pull off something like that.

    Ever observant, D noticed that the resulting splash had spoiled Apollo's coffee. Taking it from her, he slipped over to where they brought out cart with a carafe and mixed her a fresh cup before returning to slide in next to her. Gratefully, she pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, fingers reaching up to pull his long hair from the messy bun he'd put it in to avoid getting it wet. "You can shower and condition later, for now I want it down..."

  8. Glancing up, she smiled invitingly, "Please feel free to join us. There is plenty of room and if the state K was in when he returned last evening, I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharing close quarters with you." With a wink, she indicated that D should move to allow Satoshi to join them.

    Sipping her coffee, she leaned into T's embrace as B continued massaging her feet and legs. It was a glorious morning, the men were edible and the coffee strong, it couldn't get much better in her opinion.

  9. Her eyes opened slowly, noting that the sun had well risen already. Reaching out a hand, she traced her nails lightly over the sun tattoo on B's back only to see those bedroom eyes slowly open to regard her. He snuggled in closer, nuzzling her neck softly, "Good morning Mistress."

    "Good morning darling," she responded softly as the other men started to stir.

    As usual, D was fully alert from the moment he opened his eyes, so he slipped on a robe that had been left laying around for just this purpose and went downstairs. Returning shortly, he carried a tray piled high with breakfast items and a large carafe of coffee. Setting it on the side table, he fixed Apollo a cup and handed it off, before making her up a plate of eggs, bacon and a lightly toasted bagel. Mistress fed, he shifted the tray to the bed and climbed back on to help the remaining men devour what remained on it.

    Sipping her coffee, Apollo looked at the men, "So pets, we missed the sunrise cruise, which means that we'll be taking the sunset one this evening. What else would you like to do today?"

    K reached up, brushing aside his bangs so that he could look at her, "There is always the hot tub Mistress. You haven't been yet and I know how much you enjoy them. And later on perhaps you would have us play pool? I hear that Yuji has offered to play anyone who is interested and that losing involves drinking and strip teases."

    T lifted a piece of bacon to her lips, "The hot tub sounds like a wonderful idea to start with. I think K just enjoyed himself last night with Yuji and Satoshi and is considering a repeat performance, but perhaps where you were able to see?"

    Tapping a nail against her chin, Apollo considered these options, "Hot tub it is then, mayhap it will relieve a bit of the stiffness I feel."

    B slid off the bed and found one of the bikini's she had brought with, a deep amethyst color. "This one?"

    "That will do pet." Apollo replied, stepping from the bed herself. "Out of respect for the other guests, suits right now. If they come off later, they come off later. Find the matching speedo's and get dressed."

    The men scrambled to obey as Apollo opened a window to smoke her morning cigarette. She knew she shouldn't be smoking in the house, but she had utmost confidence that the various magics would leave the house in the same condition that they found it. Once the men were ready, Apollo donned the matching silk robe, a pair of sandals and head downstairs. She stopped to refill her coffee mug before heading out to the hot tub.

  10. Apollo turned to go upstairs, deciding that following Bronx's idea of heading to the room was a good one. Just as she reached the top of the stairs, she saw Yuji sweep in for the kiss. With a small sigh, she gathered the remaining three men and raided the dessert bar. She checked items off under her breath, "Whipped cream, cherries, caramel, chocolate sauce... that works for tonight."

    Walking over to the couch she laughed as K tried to disentangle himself from the pile of men, "No, stay for now. We are heading to bed, you have half an hour, no more before you are required to join us. Understood?"

    K nodded, his warm brown eyes twinkling from behind his bangs, "Yes Mistress. I will ensure I'm back on time."

    "Good," Came the simple reply as she turned to walk away. Almost an after thought, she grabbed a can of whipped cream and gently tossed it over her shoulder towards them. "Enjoy...."

  11. With the new addition, K stood, bowing slightly. "I am K, one of Mistress Apollo's guests for the week." Having heard the comment earlier about not being exclusive, he leaned in closer. Running his tongue along the shell of Yuji's ear and whispers, "She won't, but will your friend?"

    Meanwhile, Apollo's laugh tinkled softly in the foyer, "Oh my, yes you did bring us lovelies with as much snark as you!" Eying them up she licked her lips, "But yes, please feel free to go change into something more comfortable and join us on the main floor."

    Stepping aside, she ushered them upstairs and looked for Henry, "Henry, the horses please if you don't mind?"

    Apollo watched SK and his companions head up followed by Bronx and her elves, shaking her head slightly. And so it starts...

  12. Watching the interaction, she noticed the winged man wander off into the room out of the corner of her eye. With the space open, she lounged into the corner of the couch, resting a heeled foot on his shoulder. K reached up and slipped the jeweled sandal off before reaching for the other to discard it as well.

    Hearing a knock at the door, she stood leaving the men on there own and swept down the stairs to open the door. When she saw the man on the other side she grinned and winked, "I swear, you wore the spikes in an attempt to ward me off m'dear. Come in, we are upstairs finishing dinner. Bronx just got dessert out, so far it hasn't ended up on anyone yet, but the night is young. Henry will see to the horses."

  13. "Isn't he just though? I tend to surround myself with pretty men, it makes life so much more bearable in the long run. My boys are all friendly, I only ask that if you are interested you ask prior to kidnapping him for the evening. Tonight they are mine because they decided that they were going to tease the driver mercilessly through out our drive here." Reaching down, she pet K's sleek hair.

    K preened under the attention, shifting his legs so the kilt kept him decent, but showed most of his leg off for them to admire.

    Looking over at Yuji, she smiled conspiratorially, "And he's a little bit of a show off as well...."

  14. Taking in Yuji's reaction, Apollo tilted her head slightly watching. "Is this what you mean by sort of with Satoshi?" she inquired, a teasing note to her voice as she handed K the plate with some of her extra food and indicated that he sit by their feet to eat.

  15. K paused before leaving and accepted the glass, walking over to the bar with a slight swing to those hips, causing it to part enticingly.

    With a smile for Lucien, she indicated the room, "We have so many I'm sure that if asked they may share if boys are to your taste... I'm afraid all the women so far are in charge, but some may be willing as well! We are a very friendly crew so please introduce yourself, and have a good time. That's why we are here!"

    With a slight smirk for Yuji, K returned with the whiskey and handed it back, "Enjoy sir..."

  16. Returning her attention to him, Apollo raised a brow at the sort of comment, watched the kiss and filed it away in the back of her head for later, "I'm not certain honestly... I think alot of it has to do with tonight and how well behaved my boys here are, or," she winked at him, "How deliciously naughty they are! I may opt for the evening cruise if the night is too late!"

    Glancing over, she saw B heading for the bar and the winged man headed her way. Shifting to the middle of the couch to allow him to sit on the other side. "You are most welcome. You missed my welcome earlier, but any of the kilted men with the sun tattoo are mine and are under orders to accommodate our guests accordingly so long as they return by the time I head to my room in the evening." Laughing lightly, she ammended, "Unless they ask permission of course! I am Apollo, however and this lovely man on the otherside of me is Yuji, one of Willow's guests."

    B returned, handing off the glass of mead and offering Apollo a plate with some steak on it with a loaded baked potato, "I know you didn't eat much with the drive, and Mistress, you will need your strength this evening..."

    Thanking him, she waved her men off, "Go eat, mingle, but keep an eye out for my signals, I expect you to help the guests, but I am your priority, do not forget it."

  17. "Pardon me a moment Yuji," Apollo asked as she beckoned B. When he leaned down, she discretely gestured towards the winged man on one of the other couches, "Go find out if he would like a drink or anything to eat, introduce yourself and see if you can't pull him into the revelry."

    With a nod, B wandered towards the other man. "Sir, a drink or some food? I am B, Mistress Apollo asked me to see to your needs..."

  18. Waving a hand dismissively, "A pleasure Yuji. Feel free, I've tried to quit many a time myself, but can't seem to. Not a huge fan of those things though, so I brought some cloves so they aren't quite as offensive and my regular one's I'll smoke outside away from the crowd." Looking over at Kansas, she couldn't help but grin, "He does honestly seem to be quite a scamp! I have a feeling that it will turn the week quite interesting with all these pretty men around!"

    T leaned down to whisper in her ear, a hand resting lightly on her shoulder, rubbing as he stood back up.

    "And I am to understand that Jude, Myron, and Satoshi are also part of your party as well? I hope you all have a wonderful time! What are you all planning on the morrow? The dolphin tour?"

  19. In no particular order, they shall be given initials only....

    T and D: http://www.lulu.com/product/calendar/men-in-kilts-naughty/13989914 they are the kissing couple in the middle. Better views can be found at:

    at 1:49 and 8:50 respectively. T has the shorter hair, while D has the looooong hair. (Watch till the end for the kiss!) T's tat is on his right arm near the shoulder while D was cheeky and got it around his belly with the flames pointing downward!

    K: http://manappreciation.tumblr.com/post/2067708115 His tattoo graces that lovely defined left pec.

    B: http://skoty.tumblr.com/post/2185959812 this tousled beauty maintains the just woken up look constantly, his tattoo resides on his back between his shoulder blades.

    More may join in and I will post as needed... (Boys in kilts tend to multiple....)

  20. Looking up, she smiles at the young man who stopped by, eyes widening just a tad as he ran off after another young man and leashed him before she even had a chance to respond. Well, wasn't this turning out to be a eventful evening already! She found herself very thankful for Pittwitch's non violence spell since there were vampires around. At least no guest would be drained unless they wanted it to happen!

  21. A happy smile on her face, she beckoned one of the young men from the stairs to her. Silent as a ghost, the man positioned himself behind her and to the right, his mistress was horrible with names so it would be his responsibility to make sure that she was always supplied with a name as needed. Apollo started to make her way through the room, stopping by each group of people and welcoming them personally to the house as well as making a bit of small talk.

    Glancing at the stairs, a nod released the other three men from their posts. One drifted back down the stairs to bring in the luggage while the other two busied themselves with preparing her plate and another glass of wine. Seating herself on the couch in the sitting area near the windows to the deck, facing in towards the house, she began to eat, hungry from the drive down. The men arranged themselves behind the couch, waiting.

    It truly was a wonderful party and everyone seemed to be getting along so wonderfully that she decided it was time to just relax.

  22. With a twitch of the skirt on the deep emerald dress she wore, Apollo moved to the center of the room.

    "First off, I would like to thank Pittwitch for organizing all of these wonderful festivities! While she has already welcomed everyone, I would like to add in my own welcomes," She started. Smiling self-depricatingly, "Even if I'm late!"

    Raising her glass, she continued, "So welcome one and all to the marvelous house and week ahead! I hope everyone has a wonderful time and if you need anything, please see either the staff or one of my kilted men that will be here through out the week. If there are too many kilts, just look for a sun tattoo somewhere on the naked chest and you will know! Now, Bronx has prepared a lovely feast for us, so eat, drink and be merry!!!!"

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