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Everything posted by Shunskitten

  1. Nope. Got my husband hooked on A Haunting yet none of his coworkers know, and if they did, they wouldn't care. They could say something but he'd shoot it back Ever been iffy about going to the doctor because you'll know he or she will have at you for something that is out of your control?
  2. Roll On (18 Wheeler) by Alabama. Boy this song makes me want to cry where it reminds me of my dead grampy. Oddly enough the same thing happened to him O_O
  3. Not guilty. I don't ever let myself get that drunk. The farthest I've been was to the point I was laughing then had a slight headache the next day. That was 2 years ago. Damn uncle. Ever been surprised at how well your doing at something?
  4. Time to do Christmas shopping.

    1. DemonGoddess



  5. Can't wait for NaNoWriMo! OAO

  6. Define bad. Porn? Not guilty. Horror and gore? Guilty. Ever been unable to figure out what to ask? .___.
  7. Went to the doctor. They looked at every possible way to see if they can find what I tested positive for. Nothing. My ratio is 1 in 74. In other words, out of 74 pregnant women that were told that their baby possibly has Down Syndrome, only ONE will have it. Little J's ultrasounds were PERFECT. There was no sign of the syndrome at all. False positive :) I'm so relieved!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shunskitten


      Aw I'm sorry 3: that must have been hard. That's why I will stick to the sonograms myself. So far everything is fine and I'm confident it's a false positive. She's just so active it's funny XD.

    3. BronxWench


      That you, sweetheart. And you have the right of it - ENJOY this pregnancy, and you'll be meeting your little J before you know it. Oh, and let your mom spoil you and J a bit. It's what grandmoms do. :D

    4. Shunskitten


      I'm definitely enjoying it xD everytime I sit or lay down she kicks me, and I love it. My mother is all like, "If I keep this up, you won't have to buy a thing!" BUY M E SOME DIAPERS MOM! And take me out to pizza hut T_T I want pizza hut.

  8. Found out today after visiting my doctor that the chances of little J being born with Down's isn't large at all. At the most, no matter what ratio I'm giving, she only has a 1% chance. This will be further justified tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BronxWench


      LOL! Oh, love, wait until 2 weeks before your due date. It wasn't so bad the first time, but the second? From the back, I looked like usual, and then I turned around, and people asked if it was twins. :D

    3. pittwitch


      No worries, see! It will all be fine. :)

    4. Shunskitten


      My mom did that with her boys :P. She doesn't have Down's Syndrome! :D my chances are 1 - 74.

  9. 11 days to Halloween. I have no candy.

    1. BronxWench


      GAH! Candy! Must buy candy for the littles...

    2. Shunskitten


      @o@ I don't even dare to think of what would happen if I had no candy! D:

  10. Hell I'll fall up the stairs sober, so definitely guilty. Ever drank a soda and have someone say something funny at the very same time?
  11. Not guilty. I never get that chance. You see I'm MARRIED to the man who does that, but he blames it on our cat. Ever farted and blamed it on someone else? (Something ELSE he does.)
  12. Not guilty. Definitely wanted to. Word finds are books where the letters are scrambled in squares and you gotta find the words from the list and circle that word. Ever get so stressed that you yell at someone then feel extremely guilty?
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