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Everything posted by Shunskitten

  1. Goodbye to the Circus in my pants (O_O) (I'm sure he'll probably find it, hubby has a really good idea for something like that. Though I'll tell him today, he's always looking for some good shows to watch, Doctor Who and the show with the Enterprise (don't hurt me, early morning I can't think of nothing) are in his top favorites.)
  2. Bailamos in my pants (Ohhh. Sounds like something my husband would enjoy watching. He loves that stuff)
  3. Another story idea...goddammit.

  4. Numa Numa in my pants. O_O Eh?
  5. Ah o.o that could work too. XD Though I'm wicked curious as to what the password is/was. *shrugs* Meh, I'll get over it :3. Thanks Demongoddess! (sorry to bother an old topic >~<)
  6. Where were you when the world stopped turning - Alan Jackson I was in math class...
  7. *resurrects the topic* I'm having this issue now too :/ I figured if I just let it be that I would be able to use it soon but it's a bit annoying now.
  8. @.@ July...let's see how many stories get done in comparison to how many stories I come up with. So far: 0/1 ._.

  9. Freaky Girl in my pants. Guess I'm freaky XD
  10. LOL XD That's a good one. When my grandfather was alive and trucking, his was Big Joe. The reason behind it was that no other man or woman was over his height. He stood at least 3 inches taller than the second tallest. My uncle...now I don't know his name...but knowing him, it probably has to do with his son, so he's probably (taking a wild guess here) Big Mike.
  11. Put It Together in my pants. PUT WHAT TOGETHER?!
  12. T~T Does anyone know how to lesson pain in the knee? Ever since I busted it back in 2010, whenever it rains the damn thing hurts like a S.O.B...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shunskitten


      Really? I'll have to go get some now. I'm willing to try anything at this point, it's a dull achy pain. Sometimes I can't help but wonder if I have arthritis in my knee!

    3. RogueMudblood


      Your doc can test for arthritis. It can happen at any age. If you do think it's that, try some of the creams they have for arthritis OTC and see if that alleviates the pain any. NSAIDs will also help with that until you're able to get in to see your doc and have the tests done.

    4. Shunskitten


      I'll try that, thank you! It does run in my family, part of my concern right there. Though it'll be a bit for testing, I have no insurance and can't afford a trip to the doctors right now.

  13. Never Again in my pants. I don't even know what happened.
  14. Yattah~ No warning! *happy dance*

  15. Think I'll go off for a week in the forums, at least the forums X'D That warning will drive me crazy! XD see ya next week! Maybe :P I'll probably check every single day.

  16. Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia
  17. ._. got the red screen from hell when I went to get on the forums here so I could change my profile picture o.O blew past it because I honestly don't think there is any thing wrong. And for the love of me I couldn't find that topic so I could say it there @_@.

    1. DemonGoddess


      nope, it's a malicious report again.

    2. Shunskitten


      So in other words, it really isn't something to be worried about. ._. right?

  18. Yush! Finally got the stories updated and caught up on my computer! Time to just write, write, and more write!

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