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Everything posted by foeofthelance

  1. Please Add Contact Information: Phone Number E-mail address 1) Do you have track marks and/or scars? 2) Are you currently taking illegal drugs of one form or another? 3) If so, please list them here: 4) Do you listen to ska, heavy metal, or punk? 5) Do you even know what ska is? 6) Is your liver capable of processing more than three liters of alchohol/hour? 7) Do you have a problem with homosexuals or bisexuals? ` 8) Are you comfortable with blatant racism? 9) Do you recognize any of the following names: Emile Zola, Tom Robbins, or Edward Rutherford? 10) Are you lying to us? 11) Are you comfortable with sadomasochistic acts? 12) Are you comfortable with watching other people commit sadomasochistic acts on your girlfriend? 13) Do you have a small penis? (Ignore this if female.) 14) Are you comfortable with your girlfriend committing random acts of nudity in public? 15) What nationalities have contributed to your heritage? 16) Are you comfortable with tattoos and piercings? 17) Are you comfortable with being called Master? 18) Are you comfortable with your girlfriend referring to other people as her Master? 19) Are you comfortable with sharing your girlfriend with several dead people?
  2. Chapter 9is now up!
  3. Hahahaha, I must say, I have no idea how far reached my stories have become... I mean, I know I did decent reviews/hits (something like 200+ reviews over 70+ chapters, plus at least 60,000 hits) but it's a rather plain highschool cheerleaders/geeks fic on a site where the average author expects Harry to get cornholed by Dobby. I don't I think I've even really done anything kinky, outside of Return of...
  4. You have no rights. All you have is a code of rules that is agreed upon by you and a collective of others to determine what is and is not an acceptable form of behavior. The only true "right" that can be said to belong to a living being is the the right to eventually fall down dead, and we're working on that one.
  5. Hey, what about my stories? Geeze, a guy couldn't get any love around here. Ok, might help if I ever finished more than one of them... Seriously, it's mostly digging. Stay away from the major fandoms, and you actually tend to see different patterns. The original sections, for example, tend to have more rape/incest/bondage in their fics than something like the Harry Potter section, whose authors have a firm belief that the only thing better than than the Weasly twins enjoying a randy bout of twincest is Harry and Lucius, or Harry and Draco, or Harry and Draco and Lucius, having a horribly torrid and dramatic romance of epic proportions that dwarfs even the scope of the original author's creation. As a writer and reader, my suggestions are to look at the tags and read the reviews. If people are asking questions about the characters as often as they demand more, its probably a good story. And searching for tags is a good way to sort through what you want in a specific area.
  6. Honestly then, they probably should have spent some more. I can see why the media isn't complaining. I got caught in those crowds, trying to get to the mall. There were stretches as long as 20 minutes were the crowds were just still, because there was no way to move in any direction. The DCPD wasn't any help at all; I never got the same story twice any time I asked for help or directions. The only ones who seemed competent were the National Guardsmen who were holding the checkpoints. They had at least an idea of what was going on, mostly because they were sticking to a zero tolerance policy when it came to moving the crowds. The crowds didn't move until they said so, and only where they said to go. Now, admittedly there is plenty of evidence out there for media bias, but this isn't it. The attitudes and presentations of articles has more to do with a display of media bias than anything else. This article is probably a better example: http://newsroom.ucla.edu/portal/ucla/Media...-UCLA-6664.aspx The original UCLA report shows up on the second page of google as a document file. Or this article: http://faculty.chicagogsb.edu/jesse.shapir...search/bias.pdf The reasons can differ based on whether the beliefs are being written into the story for the customer's benefit, or to advance the agenda of the reporter, but it exists.
  7. Videos are always nice Whaaaaaaat? I hardly think there is anyone here who can rightly call me a perv and not apply it to themselves. :-P
  8. Eh, have fun with it. If they're really that into the whole Dom/Sub scene, then taking control early means they have to operate on your terms instead of theirs. If it's pure masochism, just bite and scratch, I'm sure they'll love it... Sorry man, but complaining about a threesome with two kinky girls on a sex fic site may not have been the best idea...
  9. Actually, my way of thinking boils down to "You pays your money, picks your horses, takes your chances, and gets what you gets." Sorry, never was one for manufactured faith, personally. Christianity boils down to one thing; God gave Man (and yes, WOman) free will. Also put down a set of rules believed to lead to having a good life, not only personally but with the neighbors as well. Got a bit tempramental here and there when folks on Earth didn't quite cooperate, but that's what happens when you let everyone make up their own mind, you know? Now, I don't know if it's a religious thing, but I was always taught that if you break the rules there's some sort of punishment for it, and the bigger the break the bigger than punishment. So yeah, there's got to be something for the people who can't get a grip on proper behavior. Doesn't necessarily mean there's supposed to be everlasting Hellfiror whatever. The word "redemption" tends to come around a lot, as well as "forgiveness" and "mercy". Not my place to tell you how to live; might give you advice if I think you're about to make a mistake, but then again one really shouldn't stick a lit firecracker down one's pants in order to prove that fireworks can't hurt people. You? You let your prejudice lead you into making a sweeping generalization on par with me accusing everyone who recycles of being an ecoterrorist like those Earth Liberation Front guys who go around torching ski resorts. You just called for genocide in the name of peace and harmony; You called for the extermination of an entire group of people, simply because you don't agree with how they behave or how they think. How should we go, do you think? Should we be shot? I don't think all that lead would be good for the environment, really. Gassed maybe? Nah, just a little cliche at this point, I'm sure we can all agree on that. Oh! I know! How about you roast all at the stake in a clear case of poetic justice! Sounds fitting to me, how about you? But in the end I don't really think it matters much. You just judged and sentenced people to pain and death because they are different from you. For thinking different than you. For not BELIEVING what you believe. Tell me, Psychostorm, how does that make you any different from the people you say you hate? Oh, hell, might as well finish the job since I'm here. Yeah, my best friend is a Druid Priestess, or so she terms it. I don't whack her over the head with holy books and she doesn't get in my face about disrespecting Mother Gaia. (She can get a little picky about me throwing plastic bottles into the trash instead of recycling, but then so does my mother, so I'm not sure that counts.) She also happens to be bisexual and president of the Gays, Lesbians, and Others club at our college. I'm the Senator. So what? Or are you going to accuse me of being a bad Christian and hypocrit for not starting each meeting with, "Just a reminder, when you all die you're going to roast in th eternal fires of HELL!!!!!" Sorry, it seems my priest never got around to delivering the sermon on how to condemn others for their way of life...
  10. Why would four hours of youtube cause your computer to slow down? I've watched more hours of porn than that on free sites in a single sitting and its never bugged my laptop like that.
  11. Why would four hours of youtube cause your computer to slow down? I've watched more hours of porn than that on free sites in a single sitting and its never bugged my laptop like that.
  12. Congratulations PS, you just killed me and probably a rather good portion of the forum. Not to mention all those Catholic doctors. And all those Catholic teachers. And all those Catholic engineers. And... Maybe I'm crazy, but it's just quite possible that not everyone who is Catholic is some God-blinded bible thumper who runs around condemning everyone they come across to a fiery eternity in Hell. Or were you planning on making special exceptions for those of us you like or find useful?
  13. Point is though, this isn't a thousand years ago. This isn't even a century ago. This is today, so why worry? The Catholic church has a rather bloody history, just like most major religions throughout history. Still has a bunch of knuckleheads who missed the bus to school that day. But now it operates under the dictates of the rules of society, instead of trying to dictate the rules to society. Yes, religious folks have a view on how society should be run; I don't see how this differs from Greenpeace associates, Black activists, Latino activists, Asian activists, moderates, conservatives, liberals, libertarians, Independents, Democrats, or Republicans. All have an idea of how society should be run, the only major difference seems to be their motivation. But rather than running around raping, killing, looting and blowing shit up, they all agree to do it through political action, by trying to convince the majority to agree with their views, or to at least accept them.
  14. Wouldn't surprise me. The Bible itself is a screwy read, until you realize that there are large portions of it missing. There are some good morals in there, but once you get away from the prophets and more into the people who were supposed to be acting under the Will without any actually voice for it, eh.
  15. Ah, my bad. I should have made it more clear. I didn't mean to go after the individuals as peoples, but to go after the specific churches these bishops work for. Partly because as Shin has pointed out not every member of the clergy approves of their actions, and partly because I'm not entirely sure the Catholic faith has as much of a coherent control over the churches that spring up in its name as people think. As far as I know, most churches operate rather independently, or as small groups, not one unified force. They're using the tools at their disposal to achieve a political goal through political means. They disagree with the current policies, admittedly as a result of their faith. I don't see how what they are doing is any different from any other political activist group out there. I've also agreed that they should pay the price of that right, which is as Keith pointed would be the forfeiting of their tax exemptions. What I want to know is why basing their political actions on their faith should preclude them from being politically active at all. Actually...they're not. They believe that abortion is wrong, and are acting on that belief to try and do away with it. There's a difference between feeling it is part of your faith to protest something, and try to having it changed, and going out and saying that everyone has to become Catholic just because you say so. Would you have the same problem if they were a bunch of soccer moms instead of bishops? Probably a regional difference. I've been taught that referring to one side as "Prolife" means that the other side is out to kill as many babies as they can, whereas Anti-abortion means they just don't like abortions, and Prochoice just means having a choice of your own.
  16. Old Testament or New? Most of the religious right likes to base their claims on the new, but their attitudes on the Old, which can be kinda screwy. And Keith, seriously? You actually tried to have the computer plot the Bible's genealogy? How did it handle Cain and Able?
  17. Can you explain to me how you have a religion without some form of religious doctrine? A doctrine is just a codified system of rules/beliefs, really. The Catholic doctrine happens to be really down on abortion. They're acting on it. The problem is, that's your opinion. One I share, admittedly, but its just an opinion. Which is probably why when you vote, you vote for people who share your opinions and ideals. Its a politician's job to act on behalf of the people that elected him. People vote for him based on his campaign platform. Therefore, if you get a person whose campaign platform is anti-abortion, expect them to try to do something against abortion. If you get someone elected who is prochoice, then expect them to protect the ability to make a decision as an individual. This is actually something I got into with Agaib a while ago, and you can check the legal discussions thread for the main view of opinions, but what it sounds like to me isn't that you're upset that they're anti-abortion, but that they're anti-abortion because of their faith. I don't like what they have to say either, but that doesn't mea that I'm going say that they have no right to act on their faith. They are just as much a part of the political process as anyone else, and have just as much right to have themselves be heard by anyone who is interested in listening.
  18. No, seperation of church and state does not mean that there is no place in government for religion. What it means is that the Church has no power to automatically dictate to the government what action the goverment must take and be obeyed, and that the government has no power to dictate to the people what faith they must follow and how to practice it. It does <i>not</i> mean that belonging to a church or being a leader in a church automatically precludes you from basing your political choices on your faith. You can't tell people what they can and cannot base their political decisions on. I choose history. Others choose whatever campaign promises the canidates make. Others vote a straight party ticket. And yes, some base it on their faith, and not just Catholics at that. Narrow it down a bit. You can't target every church because of a few activist bishops. Instead go after the groups like Catholics United, and any churches that directly support them, or clergy employed by it. You need a bit of a fine brush on this one, but if you stick to those who are publically active, then you should be fine. There will be some complainers, but if they do it, theyve earned it.
  19. What does seperation of church and state necessarily have to do with this? Just because you become a priest doesn't mean you automatically lose the right to be politically active. These guys have a series of social beliefs that stems from their faith. They have just as much right to campaign for it as someone else. And the comment attacking Biden is probably spot on. ITs simple in my opinion. If you claim to be something and to practice something, you don't get to pick and choose which rules you follow and which you can just violate. If you run around trumpeting your religion, or use it in any way during a campaign, then yes, I would expect you to follow the tenet of said religion, whether you be Democrat or Republican or Independent, or Christian or Bhuddist or am African Bush Shaman. To do otherwise is being dishonest in my opinion. To do otherwise would be like me running on the Communist Manifesto, while trumpeting the glory of the free enterprise system. And even then its not a universal thing: So, yeah. They're merely using their right to act according to their faith. Doubt much will come of it, too many people disagree with them as the poll numbers showed, and even some of their own followers were wondering whether they shouldn't tone it down a bit. Not entirely sure hwo I feel on the risk of Chrisitian hospitals losing federal funding over abortion, but eh. One part says the law is the law, the other says the law isnt allowed to interfere with faith so long as no one is getting harmed by it. So that's kinda up in the air.
  20. Well, then here's to hoping he, Reid, and Pelosi dont fuck up too badly.
  21. The problem is those are pot luck sites. The majority of what they host is guy oriented, and trying to crawl through page after page after page for the one item that might be what I'm looking for would take too long. B)
  22. Can anyone link me to free, online, but most importantly female oriented porn? I don't mean slash or anything like that, but hetero porn that appeals to a woman's interests. I know it should be out there and exists, but my google fu is not helping me in this case, and its something we're both interested in...
  23. Chapter 8 is now up. Who wants to go for a bus ride? http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story....9&chapter=8
  24. I hearby nominate that as the single most bizzare thing I've seen this campaign season. And yeah, it is a little worrying. It was an odd twist of what looked like a step dance team rehearsal and a television ad... But yeah. That kind of devotion to a cause can be a real bad thing at times.
  25. Probably. I think part of the problem is that some stories were given automatic disclaimers, others got purged when they got ID'd as plagiarism or troll attempts, and part of it might just be that the author up and left and so the story got axed for not being changed accoridng to requirments. Then there was the whole mess that was the change of servers, which seemed to have killed a few off as well. That just means more room for us to write and post our own!
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