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Everything posted by RogueMudblood

  1. You're more than welcome - enjoy!
  2. In the Mood by mariteri ?
  3. I'm very glad that you do understand If I do happen to find any stories that meet your criteria while I'm rummaging in HP, I'll link them for you
  4. Oh, the author's of age now That's why there's still a profile there. So, the author is certainly welcome to repost it.
  5. The Reluctant Highlander by Ladytalon ?
  6. SuirenAngel: Currently, there are only three levels to any sub-domain. The "top level" - for Harry Potter, this would be where you go into the main page and you see the column on the left of the screen. The headers there are the "top levels". The next level is the sub-division by type of pairing - Slash/Het/Fem, etc. The next level is the pairings themselves. Now, to be frank, it's going to be a bit before we get into HP. We're still sorting in Celeb. Right now, the software as it exists in the archive doesn't support infinite levels. I don't know what's in store on the levelling end as far as the coding is concerned. But I can say that in any non-Anime sub-domain, the sub-sub-sub (as that's what you're asking to be created) would likely never use the terms "seme" or "uke" as those are anime/manga specific terms. Honestly, with 19714 stories in that sub-domain (this minute) and 3875 of those in Harry/Draco, not to mention the ones in Slash/General that were uploaded before the pairing specific sub-cats were created, I don't know that it's even feasible to sort them that way. When we sort, with the volume of stories we're sorting through, we're skimming. As such, we could see a scene where Draco is dom and assume that's his role in that fic, where it could have another scene added on later (after we've sorted it) where Harry is dom, thus making it a Switch. And while authors can move a story around with the sub-domain, the fact is that more oft than not, the stories are left until DG moves them direct in the DB tables, which means that once she's moved it, it's likely to get left wherever DG sorted it to. There are currently (this minute) 114,032 stories across the archive in all 23 sub-domains. Each sub-domain has its own set of tables. DG has to move all that data manually. That's why I say I'm not certain of the feasibility of separating all the stories into a fourth sub-set. (edit to fix typo)
  7. The author was underage when publishing those two (sequel was "Codename Memory") so they were deleted. Author's profile
  8. Letting Go by goldhorse Tension in the Laboratory by Ink Stained Wretch - I haven't read this one. 24 chapters, over 19K hits, though.
  9. I haven't read this, and the tag on it appears to be an old format. Red Eyed Surprise by Telpei I searched "tattoo" - you might also try "pierce" or "pierc*" and check the SQL box, select "summary" from the drop-down and click search. Please do remove the double quotation marks from the search terms, or it likely won't work as expected.
  10. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600013496
  11. Sweet Necromancy by wizzardt Necrophilia Made Easy by Dracophilia
  12. RogueMudblood

    Vampire Lesbians

    Is there a specific book/series you're looking for stories about?
  13. RogueMudblood

    Lost story

    Here's the longest thread on "Between Hope and Despair" I didn't find anything previously about "Unlikely Alliance" - do you have an author name for that story?
  14. It was IllegalBreakfastProduct. New account is Lepidottero. Forum profile. If you're a member of the forum, you can PM and ask for the story to be reposted. Hope that helps!
  15. RogueMudblood


    link: It Just Had To Be You by Tregan2415
  16. Yes, yes there are, Tigro. Which is why I'd have to plan a bit. First, I'd take half and put it in investments. Regular savings, bonds, stocks, etc. Low-risk stuff. Pretend it's not there. Have the dividends/interest set to pay into a separate checking account. Live off that monthly. The other half: Pay off all debts. Split balance at this point into halves - one half goes into a trust fund for my child. $100,000.00 into a trust account for collegiate studies only. Right now, I still have over $159,000,000.00 left. This all, of course, assumes a full pay out, which we know is not the case if you take cash up front instead of the annual dividend. Of this amount, half goes into an escrow account for purposes of paying taxes. Approximately $80,000,000.00 left. Now, as I live in the US, and I'm aware of the piss poor health system, $5,000,000.00 would be set aside to fund charity programs for the medically needy (catastrophic cases, etc) the non payment of which only serves to drive healthcare costs up and increase the problem cyclically. I would need a person to research the best programs, therefore, $75,000.00 annually from the dividends from investments above would be set into an account to pay a person to do this. Prime candidate for this position would be someone who has medical needs of his/her own and is still able to work. $15,000,000.00 to Cancer research. I still have $60,000,000.00 Yeah, there's stuff I'd want, but I've been without before enough that I know how to account for the last red cent. I don't want a huge house, I don't want a swimming pool, and I don't want a lot of 'stuff'. Would I blow a cool million at some point? Probably. But like I said above, I'd be living off the dividends from the investments. Do you know what I'd really be most likely to blow the rest on? I'd set up four accounts with $250,000.00, high-interest savings, compounded monthly. That interest rolls into another account. Right now, the highest rate I've seen is 4.5% APY, so at this rate, it's $11250.00 in yearly interest. That's $45,000.00 a year. Most people live off less, so I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility to set up $20,000,000.00 this way. That's 20 people that just got jobs. And yes, they'd earn it. $40,000,000.00 left. Now, I'd like a car. A nice one. A very nice one. $39,900,000.00 or thereabouts left. (Yes, I did just blow $100K on a car in this scenario. It's a hybrid.) And I think it'd just have to sit for a bit. I wouldn't have plans right away for that part of it, so it could sit and gain interest as well. Part of it would likely go into an account to pay for healthcare coverage for the 21 people (don't forget the charity coordinator) that are now earning annual incomes off these investments (instead of paying it from annual dividends). In case you're wondering, estimating the interest rate towards the initial investment as well, would be $14,400,000.00. Annually. So that charity fund that would eventually be depleted of the $5,000,000.00 set aside for it could be replenished regularly. And it would be earning interest as well until spent, so assuming at any given time, that half of it is available in the accounts set up, it would be earning it's own interest of $112,500.00 annually. (Yes, I like making money pay for itself.) Honestly, the interest off the initial investments alone would allow me to live off approximately $120K each month, if it's compounded monthly, so it's not as though I'd be hurting to buy things as they came up. Don't think I've forgotten about my family, but they don't take kindly to handouts, so there's a bit of finesse involved there. (Included in this broad group are people that are not blood relations who won't take handouts ) Of course, I'd have to have an attorney on retainer. And his/her job would be to make arrangements in the event of my death that certain things would continue on as they had been. I only have one heir, so the dividends would still have to go into an account for payment of necessities on that end as well until the age of majority. At that point, stipulations would have to be made. I wouldn't go to all this trouble to set up such an estate and have it all blown within five years of my child gaining adulthood. And, yes, kagome, this long-winded answer is the reason I didn't respond before. Oh! Of course, there'd also have to be a vacation for all staff of AFF. So there's the cool million blown
  17. I'm sorry, Beth. It really is terrible when you think it's all over and it just comes back. My heart goes out to you and your family.
  18. Section to be posted in? There are 23 sub domains; DG will need to know where to add this.
  19. Iggy - you do have two accounts as well, one of which was a joint account. I'll add you to DG's queue.
  20. Kolgrim, you have two accounts. I'm adding you to DG's queue. Please allow up to 48 hours for her to merge. Thanks! Edit: I see that the duplicate is a joint account. I'll let DG know that.
  21. Christiy Webb, You can request new categories in this subforum. Requirements are here. To keep the database size down, DG doesn't create the categories until there's a story for them. There may be quite a few more out there, but we haven't gotten to that sub-domain for sort on cleanup yet (we're still in Celeb right now), so unless someone writing to that category requests it, DG doesn't know it's needed. Hope that helps!
  22. http://hp.adultfanfi...hp?no=600008199 all 9 chapters orphaned http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=35298
  23. No, it's still there. Just go into the archive you're trying to find a story in and go up to Member Tools and click "Search" Address bar should read [ subdomain ].adult-fanfiction.org/search.php like so: anime.adult-fanfiction.org/search.php books.adult-fanfiction.org/search.php Edit: And, yes, I believe that a new search function is being written. But I'd have to leave the details of answering that part of your question to the tech gurus
  24. From "Er -- Petunia, dear --..." to "Nasty, common name, if you ask me." it's a straight lift from US version page 7. From "Nearly ten years..." to "...where [she] slept." pages 18-19. From "Bad news..." to "...as though she'd planned this." page 22 From "[Heather] had the best morning..." to "...too good to last." page 26 From "The snake suddenly..>" to "Brazil here I come. ... Thanksss, [ssspeaker]." page 27-28 From "[Heather] picked it up and stared..." to "...a large letter H." page 34. The acceptance letter from page 51. Diverges as Snape is the liaison instead of Hagrid. That's just chapter one.
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