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Everything posted by RogueMudblood

  1. Angela M, Do you happen to have a link to your profile (the one you usually login to) ? "Angela" is a bit common as a pen name, you see. If you don't, then please e-mail technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org with the e-mail you registered with. I won't ask you to put an e-mail in open forum. Thanks!
  2. It means that there is a ToS violation with that story, and it has been hidden until the author fixes it. Anytime there's a violation, the author is notified and given 7 days to fix it before the story is hidden. If it's not fixed by day 7, then the story will be hidden. Rest assured, the story is still there. DG doesn't delete them until after 30 days of being hidden. Once the author fixes whatever the violation is, then the story will be unhidden and you can read it again
  3. Augury and Ardor by SnapeySax The Love You Take by Subversa just to start you out
  4. Rain! Glorious rain!

    1. pittwitch


      Where? Would like to dance in it, lol!

    2. RogueMudblood


      Here, cap'n. There be rain here!

    3. DemonGoddess


      *sniffles* it's still dry here

  5. @Inubaby7001 - DG just processed your duplicate, so you should be able to follow the validation link
  6. Please read the requirements for requesting a category here
  7. Hi there, I'm going to direct ya'll to an FAQ: How to Use Search If the story's here, that will direct you how to find it
  8. We do try!
  9. ....And I think I just found the problem. This is the archive profile linked from your forum profile This is your duplicate. I'll get you added to DG's merge queue - please allow her up to 48 hours. Sorry for all this, but it won't take her long to get you fixed and ready to validate the account
  10. Are there any special characters in your password? Anything other than letters or numbers?
  11. dylan, DG and Apollo made a series of FAQs here
  12. Was the author Melody Fate? If that's the story, it's still there
  13. RogueMudblood


    Apparently, all WordSlave's stories have been removed from FFN. Whether by the author or the admin there, I don't know. Word_Slave did have a profile here. This thread links to the story "Brutally Beautiful" There are a few other threads: naruto male harem SasuNaru of the dirty variety ItaNaruSasu or ItaSasuNaru ItaNaru fic looking for a certain ItaSasuNaru fanfic. I honestly don't know what happened to the stories linked in those threads.
  14. It has 18408 words. Including the title. I think it's just un-chaptered.
  15. I agree that the commentary can completely kill the piece. The worst part is when they write disparaging remarks about something that was actually very well done. The 'apologies' for their writing actually serve to do two things to me: 1) Ruin the story. 2) Make me think that they don't actually want concrit, they just want praise of how well they are doing - the "don't sell yourself short" reviews. It's almost as good as review whoring at getting me to click the little red X on my browser. Like you said though, the commentary on DVD is on a separate disk, or accessible thru a separate menu. So, for those authors that are compelled, I would recommend actually making a thread in the forums, putting the hyperlink at the top of the story with something like "Commentary on this chapter can be found here: [ url ]" and then the <hr> to separate the text. Or putting it at the bottom of the chapter is even better.
  16. Here's another thread on it - looks like it's been pulled. Sorry, hun
  17. Jenmoon1, The e-mail we have on file is a Juno e-mail. If that one was hacked, you'll need to e-mail technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org so DG can confirm account ownership in order to change it to the e-mail you need. If not, this FAQ walks you through changing your password
  18. I know I'd prefer to not spend about 30 hours a week finding and setting up the little children, that's certain!
  19. Divingin, have you checked your junk/spam folders? The return address will be anonymous@affnet.nexcess.net.
  20. kyuna37, While you did register with a gmail account, that is not the one on file. You have completed the validation process. Please contact technicalsupport@adultfanficiton.net so DG can confirm account ownership if you're needing the e-mail changed.
  21. Starlight0208, We don't allow the passing around of stories here. Please refer to the opening header to the search forums: If someone has a link where it is available online, they can certainly post that up for you though
  22. Hi there ragon, We don't allow the passing around of fics here. But if someone has a link, they can certainly post that up.
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