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  1. Yeah, the book is really good. I started reading it this year. Waaaay different from the movie though. The movie is pure fantasy compared to the book.
  2. Author: Jungle_Drums (myself obviously) Title: The New Breed Summary: Team 8 open up a secret vault, expecting to find treasure. Instead Hinata gets a face full of alien wing wong by a mutant facehugger. Said facehugger instead of just implanting her with an Alien embryo, came equipped with a new evolutionary advantage that could make the Xenomorphs reproductive process a lot more efficient (and wreck biological havok on the ninjas). Its a battle between the ninjas and the Xenos for the soul of Hinata, and the survival of the human race. I intend this more as a straight horror story with some elements of fetish to drive the narrative. Feedback: I’ve gotten a couple of comments and want to hear more of what I’m doing right. Fandom: Naruto and Alien crossover Pairing: Let’s keep it simple and just say Hinata x everyone Warnings: Being xenomorphs there is implied rape, and I plan on there being more. Oh and every female character that gets infected goess aggressively yuri. Solo story or chaptered story: chaptered URL: http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600106079 Review Reply thread: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/64614-jungle-drums-answers-replies-for-the-new-breed/
  3. I am very eager to respond to people’s comments on my fic. I had this idea sitting around in my head for over a year, and I literally put everything else I’m working on on hold so I can purge it from my system. Author: Jungle_Drums (myself obviously) Title: The New Breed Summary: Team 8 open up a secret vault, expecting to find treasure. Instead Hinata gets a face full of alien wing wong by a mutant facehugger. Said facehugger instead of just implanting her with an Alien embryo, came equipped with a new evolutionary advantage that could make the Xenomorphs reproductive process a lot more efficient (and wreck biological havok on the ninjas). Its a battle between the ninjas and the Xenos for the soul of Hinata, and the survival of the human race. I intend this more as a straight horror story with some elements of fetish to drive the narrative, because why not? Feedback: I’ve gotten a couple of comments and want to hear more of what I’m doing right, and what I can approve upon. Fandom: Naruto and Alien crossover Pairing: Let’s keep it simple and just say Hinata x everyone Warnings: Being xenomorphs there is implied rape, and I plan on there being more. Oh and every female character that gets infected goes aggressively yuri. Without spoiling too much, you can expect some body horror and the threat of transformation in the future. Solo story or chaptered story: Definitely chaptered. URL: http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600106079 I know what I’ve posted already is a bit rough, and I’ve been going back and fixing mispellings here and there. This is my first time actually posting a story to the site, so I apologize in advance if I’ve overstepped any boundaries, I don’t quite know all the ins and outs yet, though I’ve been skimming the forums to get a good idea. Thus far I’m focused more on drama and emotional turmoil of the characters. Action has been a little tricky to make work, I want to keep things reasonably balanced in the upcoming war. I take a realistic look at the xenos abilities then compare them to the ninjas, who’ve never battled a foe quite like this. I figure in the BEGINNING, they’d be unprepared, but as time goes on the ninja will adapt and even turn the tide on the xenomorphs. This in turn will force the xenomorphs to rely on dirty and underhanded tactics. One commenter already showed concern that the mutant facehugger might have been too powerful. I want to justify that by saying that this “black widow” facehugger is meant to be an evolved form, a mutation that will pave the way to faster, smarter, stronger xenos, but within a reasonable limit. They’re still plenty kill-able as their “lesser” counterparts. What makes The New Breed special, well...I don’t want to spoil it just yet, though you might figure it out on your own.
  4. Read The Warriors by Sol Yorrick. Dead serious. It’s all about black adolescent street gangs, their lives and how they form. Their mentality. Granted it’s set in like the 60’s or earlier, but it paints a vivid enough picture that it could easily be applied to inner city youths today. After all, war...war never changes.
  5. Working Title: The Bone Collector Fandom: Naruto Plot: Remember that filler episode where Naruto and Team 8 fought those crazy bee ninjas? I had this idea where the one woman Suzumebachi swears vengeance on the genin, Hinata specifically. She hears rumors of a powerful witch and against better judgement seeks out their help. What she actually finds is this cackling, foul mouthed, old hillbilly in cave and his pet crow. He claims to be a witch but she just assumes he’s a dottering old hack ninja. So Kurenai, Kiba, Shino, Hinata and Akamaru investigate this blighted village where a young lord claims there is a plot by the farmers to kill him, and he just wants them to investigate and see if there’s any truth to the rumors. At that point I got stuck on where to go from there, other than a few hazy ideas. Team 8 would have to solve a mystery, while fending off raiding parties of zombies and skeletons. With a touch of horrible dreams a la “The Serpent And The Rainbow”. Really the whole idea was just an excuse to have Team 8 have their own adventure, fighting skeletons and well, a D&D style necromancer. Fatal flaws: 1. While the eponymous Bone Collector was A LOT of fun to write about (think the unholy love child of Mumm-Ra and Otis B. Driftwood), and he stole show…He is an outside context issue for the ninja. He’d be more at home in a D&D or Conan The Barbarian story than in Naruto. That made it harder to justify his abilities and how it would contrast to the ninjas and how their world worked. Balance was an issue I just couldn’t work around without poking holes in accepted canon. 2. Team 8 themselves. They were never really explored much in canon, so I had to fill in the blanks myself how their group dynamic would work. Shino is especially difficult to make interesting. Kurenai was also with them supervising them as Kakashi would Team 7. 3. I tried working an angle of him being the servant of a Discount Cthulhlu god. This ended up requiring a whole backstory in of itself, with an ancient Groman/Not Atlantis city (in order to justify having a bunch of Hoplite skeletons roaming around the extremely Japanese setting of Naruto), and trying to staple it into an otherwise “working within canon” story. 4. Getting from point A to B was one thing. Giving the Team banter between themselves ended up not being as interesting as I had hoped. The whole plot revolved around their mission being a trap. The bee ninja woman kind of fell by the way side as the idea just fizzled out. 5. The team fighting their way to the Necromancer through his spooky zombie infested woods was cool and all but. But. . . actually fighting him? It goes back to problem 2, how to do it in a way that makes sense and doesn’t end in a curb stomp battle for either side. You gotta be damn good to convince cynical ff readers you’ve made a genuine OC and not just another Sue power fantasy. 6. Ninja aren’t exactly equipped to fight the undead. It’s not like in Inuyasha or something where Miroku could whip up some sacred sutra and Turn them. In order to justify spirits and other ghoulish fun that would mean giving the ninja something to level the playing field. I came up with the idea that Hinata’s byugugan can be trained to see spirits, and over the course of the fic she would learn how to unlock this ability. As an added bonus, to give the villain a reasonable motivation, he would be out to steal the byuguagn for said purpose. After I wrote it out, it just felt like cheating though. Typical readers of Naruto crap tend to frown on this kind of canon welding too. 7. My alternative to make the story make more sense was to pull a Shyamalan and make the so called witch...an actual fake! As in he’s just an old ass ninja who using illusions to make it seem like he’s this all powerful sorcerer, when in fact he’s a fraud. This idea bored me and was a chore to try and write. Keeping or abandoning? I started the first two chapters before fizzling out. I think I’ll scrap the fic and use the Necromancer character I made for something else. Maybe put him in a setting that makes more sense for his type of character.
  6. Trolls are a part of the internet, like zits are a part of life. Just ignore them and don’t respond to them, they can’t hurt you. They do what they do to get a rise out of you nothing more.
  7. Honestly? My reaction would be a wide eyed, “NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE!” as I run away in the opposite direction and immediately get fried by a Dalek lazor. “Oooh, yeah. The Daleks are invading and I was kinda of trying to prevent that,” said the Doc.
  8. Ok, let me try this again. I created a profile here a million years ago but never really had the time to make use of it. I’ve been writing my whole life and will do so till the day I die. I’ve gone out of my way to reactivate this account so I can post some fanfic ideas that I feel go waaay beyond the mature guidelines of ff.net. As my username implies, I have a thing for breechclouts, face paint, and spears. I have this fantasy universe concept inspired by Mezoamerican (namely Aztec) mythology, that I intend to use as a backdrop for some of my fics. A vast jungle world, haunted by cruel magics and crueler gods. Within it are ancient stone ruins teeming with treasures. Debauched empires come and go, but its primitive tribes endure despite the hostile landscape, teeming with carnivorous plants, giant animals, and other unspeakable abominations. Think Ravenloft meets Marvel’s “Savage Land” with the grit of Conan The Barbarian. My favorite Ghibli movie is Princess Mononoke. I am a staunch MRA because I’m sick of masculinity being demonized. I figure I should be upfront about that now and preface it by saying, I am not hear to argue politics, I don’t care. I’m here to post adult fantasy stories and celebrate writing. That said, my works are written to appeal to me, so when I do write pr0n, it will either be hetero or yuri. I don’t care what you think is icky. While I don’t follow Wicca (I don’t believe in gods or the supernatural), there’s concepts within it and paganism that appeal to me. Namely the veneration of nature, and the concept of the Horned God. A being that encapsulates everything that is great about masculinity. He is the guiding father, the powerful warrior, the just protector, and the savage lover. I wish I had found a role model like that sooner in life, but there you go. All good things to those who wait. I am also brief and to the point.
  9. I joined back in 2010, but never found the time to play around much with fanfiction. I’m back now here to write stories of primitive erotic fantasy!

  10. Cultural Appropriation is utter fascist bullshit. The idea behind is that it is “racist” to enjoy anything that isn’t of “your culture”. In other words, by this SJW logic, we’re all racists for enjoying Studio Ghibli movies, or for eating Chinese Food. DAFAQ? It doesn’t make any sense. SJWs made this term up so they can bully artists and writers, to control what can and cannot be expressed. That is it. I will say this, if you’re going to write about a culture outside your own, take time to research about a culture if you’re gonna write about it. For example, compare Disney’s Peter Pan’s portrayal of Native Americans, vs say Pocahontas. One was goofy made up shit, one actually did some research. Also, concerning race relations, write your characters, all the characters as people first. Think of race/culture in terms of something like sports teams and or heck fandoms. At the core of everything we’re all just people. How we look, dress, talk like, believe, etc. that’s all external trappings. Nothing is sacred. Don’t worry about it.
  11. A story about demon summoning? I am pretty much required to read it
  12. I think Freud once wrote that a means of releasing aggression is vital to a healthy mind. If you write about rape and such, and can step back from the work and be on some level understand why rape in the real world is wrong, you should be fine. The key is the ability to feel empathy. Granted some of us are turned on by such power ego trip fantasies, but the important thing is to not allow reality and dark fantasy to blur. Also in response to the quote, if the character in the story is raped one minute and then fine the next, that is a sign of a bad author, NOT a bad genre.
  13. It is the reader's responsiblity to know what they're looking for as well. If they aren't looking for say for example yaoi, then why bother with it? I also concur with Supersonic. Fan fiction should be a means of emotional expression. And smex scenes are better with a plot.
  14. Never apologise for your art. Just spelling and grammical errors.
  15. I also think OC's work best as a background character or outsider force. It can be painfully obvious when an author inserts themselves into a story (a beloved character from a series suddenly falling in love with some mystery person we've never heard of). I do think though that an OC can lead a main story, but since it;s fan fiction, they must not be allowed to out shine the characters from the series that the author is emulating. Hence I always find villainous characters to be easy to place in a fan fic, because they are acting as an invading force in a familar setting. As far as OC's being in fan fiction? Let's be honest, it's inevitable.
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