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Imasuky Lomae

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Everything posted by Imasuky Lomae

  1. ^is not gettin a big gray kitty < isn't sure what the mind control substance is got it from Yog Sothoth v better like tentacles after all it's the great old ones helping with takeing over the world....or destorying it they were kind of vauge
  2. I-no dump there is only Guilty Gear girl for me and it's not her Kagome Date she's alright Tohru Honda marry she's cute and nice and always tries to be happy no matter how bad things get Male Sol Bad guy from Guilty Gear Iron Tagger from Blaz Blu Lance from Pokemon Female Dizzy from Guilty Gear Rachel from Blaze Blu Misty from pokemon
  3. ^ Needs to be carefule about that (I always copy my reviews incase something like that happens) < Has already started my plan to take over the world, using food with mind controlling substances in it. v is going to be made the leader of Germany when I take over the world
  4. Bugs because he's allowed to do more violent things Aquaman vs. The Ten-Eyed Man. With the amazing ability of having eyes in his fingertips. both from DC You should read Negima great magical harem/fighting manga and Chachamaru is a sexy life sized wind-up robot girl
  5. I ban you for not reviewing my yuri...and for not sparkling!
  6. banned for being bored and if i knew where you were Cal I'd be sure topay you a visit on your birthday for a spanking With Eternal Love, Imasuky Lomae
  7. Banned for not seeing that i'm worth the extra cost And Cal you better sleep with one eye open i might just have someone ravish you in the night
  8. Banned for being a cheap slut I'm high priced
  9. Banned for being a slut
  10. Banned for overreacting and banned agin for being undead
  11. Double banned for not sparkling
  12. Band for sideing with the wolf
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