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Imasuky Lomae

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Everything posted by Imasuky Lomae

  1. ^what's minecraft? Google it < has heard that sleeping on the floor can help with arthritis just lay out blankents v is going to be kidnapped by badgers
  2. The tentacle monster still wins beacuse it gets the most fun even if the ninja kills it's always rape
  3. Surpirse I have a few small one's one the left side of my face glass from car wreck they've faded to the point that you'd have to look very closely in very bright light to see them and even than they are hard to find
  4. ^Must be a wimp <has no idea where the party is v should play minecraft
  5. ^Is wrong about the floor < Would love to join the sexy party vshould try sleeping on the floor
  6. Dull i have tons of small scars i'm noy even sure how i got most of them
  7. Banned because i say so
  8. Tentacle monster duh have you never watchted hentai it dosen't matter how good the ninja is they always get raped
  9. ^ Should make sure the candy bar isn't to old < Sleeps on the floor. v is going to have a sexy party sometime
  10. Blade I got a scar from a sword a very small one on my hand and another nearly invisable one one my lip the one on my hand I got trying to take the sword from someone and the lip was from looking to closely at the blade and a small slip it bleed for nearly an hour but healed almost perfectly
  11. Samurai the biggest problem is i get touchy feely sometimes
  12. Awesome I tend to offened everyone after a while i'm really bad around girls since i'm so perverted
  13. ^ is not getting any cat boys < will take the job of getting the catgirls pregnant. v should look under the bed.
  14. Palemon because she can digivole at anytime and get more powerful and at her higher stages she can be really sexy! Cal the undead wolf vs. a horny tentacle monter
  15. banned for luyeing everyone here is a slut Cal is the biggest slut by the way
  16. Great I love to talk and it's easier online since i can think out what i say better otherwise i tend to saything that i shouldn't and it's easier to keep on topic so my ADHD dosen't get in the way
  17. Good I really mean it to anyone who does something good for me get's me to like them and you change you avater pic a lot don't you?
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