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Imasuky Lomae

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Everything posted by Imasuky Lomae

  1. Lasy chapter is an Athouer note http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600044644
  2. 12956 Just be glad no one has set to 1....
  3. 12954 Choas seeps into all things
  4. 12950 I was just going with the flow
  5. 12941 that's because it jumps around at random
  6. 8587 Yeah i miss it but they say it's coming back
  7. 8585 and i took a ton of frags of him too frags are what you got when you killed some one i was among the top for that and most other things as well just below keith
  8. 8583 Yeah and i changed the Wolf to The easily kiled Big Bad wolf since i killed him so many time in the battle game
  9. 8581 Mine was yuri Guru but than Wolfy changed it to what it is now
  10. 8579 see you got that tilte you wanted
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