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Imasuky Lomae

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Everything posted by Imasuky Lomae

  1. Banned for teying to play with cal that's my undead bitch
  2. ^has a weak team <No longer has a pokemon game V should play the pokemon tower game
  3. catches him and teaches him to tap dance to (Put it on the Ritz) throws a horny tentacle monster
  4. Imasuky Lomae

    I Am...

    I am hooked on Pokemon Tower Defense if you make an acount i'd be willing to trade
  5. Not guilty ever masterbaute with a popsicle
  6. Because you are a cheap slut who dosen't care about anything other than feeling good How can i set fire to the sun?
  7. Putting on a chicken hat and running aroound saying that you are the second comming of christ. Why am i a jerk
  8. Not guilty ever lust after someone who you knew you could never have
  9. Imasuky Lomae

    I Am...

    I am only half awake
  10. Catches Bigfoot and teaches hm to break dance throws the now break dancing bigfoot back
  11. I was part of Ogre Orgies 1, 2, and 26 (anyone who gets what that is from shall get a cookie)
  12. ^ can work a bit on each on < wishes my beta could be done faster V is a fan of david hasslehoff
  13. Banned for saying cal's name
  14. ^ Should write faster < dosen't want to read any family guy fics V will be upset
  15. Bannedfo asking me to spen money (i didn't pay for it myself.)
  16. Was the guy in charge of casting and you were indeed not perky enough
  17. uses flamethower to burn them in the air thorws the flamethower
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