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Imasuky Lomae

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Everything posted by Imasuky Lomae

  1. ^ Should get a monkey < right side of butt hurts for some reason V Will sleep naked
  2. ^ Is Now awake < is reading TV Tropes V Has a pet monkey
  3. Banned for not knowing that i was talkin about a superman badguy
  4. http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600051804 wrong again
  5. Guilty Ever masterbute while looking in a mirror
  6. Banned for thinking my clones won't evole like Doomsday geting harder to kill with each one
  7. ^ needa to not be a wimp < Has comp in bedroom that is kept hot as hell at all times V Is going to be surprised some time soon
  8. ^ Will be missed <Misspelled the last post badly V Is now back
  9. ^ Is getting wet <Is glad that it's finally stoppted dry here v Is able to get into those same awkward positions
  10. Gutily Ever have a fantasy about a few of those younger ones
  11. ^ Is more organised in everything other than porn < Is anything othter than harmless when armed v Should go to Youjizz for porn
  12. Guilty Ever wish that you could introduce someone younger to sex
  13. ^ Should pick out porn in advance < Is a boreing and lazy fart v Is mostly harmless
  14. ^ is a good pervert <has lot's of porn to look at pick out V has something more intresting to say than i do
  15. ^ Should read my stories for good yuri porn < wants to look at porn right now V wasn't always a pervert
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