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Status Updates posted by Daye

  1. Proof reading sucks and yet is vital. Especially when my beta is busy writing for a fest...

    1. JayDee


      Tell the beta the fest is cancelled. Claim prank when the proofing is done!

    2. Daye


      protip for life: be an asshole?

    3. JayDee


      It's worked throughout history for literary figures. Shakespeare? Total cock!

  2. purchased DA: Origins. Hope its good. I've got the impression from here that it is...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JayDee


      Crapsack world, man. Crapsack world.

    3. Daye


      crapsack world indeed. what's it coming to when a king's grand vizier betrays him?

    4. BronxWench


      Business as usual, seems to me...

  3. results of attempts to fry bread/ make eggy fried bread - tasty treads and OMG THE PAN IS ON FIRE.

    1. WillowDarkling


      that might suggest you're doing it wrong *cheeky grins and hides under the couch*

    2. Danyealle


      if the pan catches fire, you're not doing something correctly!

    3. sumeragichan


      Cook with a fire extinguisher present? >XD Sounds like trying to fry anything in one of M.I.L.'s pans.

  4. Seeing GREEN LANTERN tonight. In brightest day! In darkest night!

    1. Daye


      blackest. Blackest night. Meh, movie was OK could have done with less characters and plot elements though.

    2. kagome26isawsome


      i thought it was good :D

  5. so flip words... the eiffel tower is a thing but the milky way is a place... ?"

    1. LockedBox


      Think of it this way. You can move the eiffel tower if you were really keen. The milky way, not so much.

    2. JayDee


      The Eiffel Tower is a Giant Metal Penis but the Milky Way is a Space Cream Pie.

  6. So I've got a week to write, print and hand in an economic poster. Aaargh,

    1. JayDee
    2. Daye


      nah. deadline got extended by a week cos the lecturers keep missing lectures and tutorials

  7. That awkward moment when you upload a new story and only get a review asking you to finish an old one.

    1. KerantliDreamer


      DAYE! *Huggles tightly*

    2. Daye


      KERA! *hugs back*

  8. til i learn i fucking suck at connect 4

  9. Time to play really old games: SW Republic Commando. Where you blaster is puny, battle droids are actually dangerous and trandoshans are midgets.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JayDee


      I never really played Wing Commander, but I too have many DOS games I'll likely never play again from Rise of the Triad to the Seventh Guest. Them the days, pissing around with boot discs and memory.

    3. DemonGoddess


      I actually still have a machine I can set up to use just for those games. One of these days, I will!

    4. JayDee


      Heh, every time I see an old base unit at a 2nd hand market I always think of picking it up for 'em, but then I think "Well, where would I put it?" :)

  10. trying to write, trying to write... Procrastination is too easy.

    1. JayDee


      It's not that easy. I wanted to try some, but kept putting it off and getting shit done instead. Oh, cruel world!

    2. Daye
    3. Rain7777


      I agree with you there :(

  11. wait ages for a review. then two come along at once

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Daye


      yeah. though one was from Hope, talking about how much he likes Ron. In a fic Ron neither appears in, nor was mentioned at all. on a old oneshot. twas a bit of a heachscratcher

    3. sumeragichan


      when it rains, it pours?

    4. Daye


      indeed its especially weird when it happens when you've not updated anything for a while.

  12. was born with a heart full of neutrality

    1. JayDee


      Yeah, well, I'm a sewer mutant.

    2. Daye


      I have no strong opinion on that one way or the other

    3. krakenknight


      We'll tell you're wife you said... Hello.

  13. whatever strategy there is for bubble shooter i apparently do not get it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JayDee


      Although it seems I am somewhat out of practice.

    3. JayDee


      ...no, no. Ignore me. Dang it.

    4. Daye


      lol. i had no idea you could get rid of colours until you said that...

  14. when you've been so long the forum logs you out...

    1. JayDee


      What do you mean you only slept for half an hour Mr Van Winkle?

    2. BronxWench


      Hey, there, stranger! :D

  15. why do fics marked oneshot always get a review asking 'is there more?'

    1. GeorgeGlass


      Seriously. But I suppose I prefer that to getting "This story isn't as good as your last one" from someone who did not comment on the last story.

    2. DemonsAngel


      Hopeful thinking?

    3. JayDee


      I'd prefer that to my more usual "Couldn't there be less?" reviewers

  16. woah. new look? change is bad guys. Don't you know?

    1. BronxWench


      Change is inevitable. Change is inexorable. Change is insidious.

      (I can keep this up a while longer.. :P)

    2. DemonGoddess


      Change is of the good! Especially when it means that the site moves further away from the inevitability of a crash, which is where we were.

    3. BronxWench


      Change is incredible! :D

  17. Woke up at six. Thirsty. Couldn't sleep again. how worried should i be

    1. BronxWench


      That depends on what you drank. But occasional sleep disruptions are pretty normal.

    2. BronxWench


      Of course, now I'm going to speculate about whose jammies you were wearing. I really need to stay out of the shoutbox. :D

  18. world i feel i could concentrate on the report better if i wasn't soaked in my own sweat. mmkay?

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