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Daye last won the day on December 6 2018

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  1. Time to play really old games: SW Republic Commando. Where you blaster is puny, battle droids are actually dangerous and trandoshans are midgets.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JayDee


      I never really played Wing Commander, but I too have many DOS games I'll likely never play again from Rise of the Triad to the Seventh Guest. Them the days, pissing around with boot discs and memory.

    3. DemonGoddess


      I actually still have a machine I can set up to use just for those games. One of these days, I will!

    4. JayDee


      Heh, every time I see an old base unit at a 2nd hand market I always think of picking it up for 'em, but then I think "Well, where would I put it?" :)

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