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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. Just to make sure, are you trying to sign up for the Archive, or the Forum? If you are signing up for the archive, double check your spam folders, and that your email isn't blocking the email coming from our site. If you have checked that and not found anything, please come back later in the day, when our archive moderators have had a chance to take a look at this, and they can advice you better than I can. If you are on the other hand signing up for the forum, an archive account is required for registration, unless you follow the steps to sign up as a reader only. Forum registration is validated by our forum admin, and does not (to the best of my knowledge) require activation through email.
  2. Moved to the correct subforum. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  3. Hey, Ichasennin, I want to suggest that you edit the very first post in this thread, and add a link to your story there. You don't have to, it just might be easier for people who might look at this thread from the beginning. Also, you can post a link to this thread, in the story, so you can reply to reviews and such. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  4. And that would be your problem. As BronxWench said, logging in with the center login boxes will result in an empty page like the one you're seeing. The center login boxes are only to be used when signing up and activating your account. After that, you need to use the login boxes in the upper right hand corner. I am almost certain this is stated in the instructions that you get when signing up for the site. So, what you need to try now, is to log out again, clear cookies and cache, (and in the case of some browsers, shut down and reopen the browser) and then try to log in again using the upper right hand corner login boxes. But, since you say you changed your password, did you change it to a new password, or did you try to use the same one again? Because if you used the same password again, then that blanks the field and you'll need the archive mods to help you with that. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  5. That link that jetsamsrule31 posted actually leads to our old domain name, but even if I change it to our new domain name, the link comes up empty, there's no story there.
  6. Alright, awesome. Then I'll move this to the Fan Fiction, Anime>Het subforum, (we don't have a special Fate Stay Night subforum), I don't think we have a special category for , and then you can use this thread as your Review Reply thread as well. I'll leave a link here to the new location, so people can find it more easily. But you guys are welcome to discuss this freely now that I've moved the thread. Happy writing. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  7. Ichasennin, are you planning on writing a story based on this and post in the Archives? If so, I need to know which subcategory (Anime>Het, yaoi, yuri, etc...?) it will be posted in, so I can move this thread to the appropriate forum. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  8. Ichasennin, I'm going to have to ask you to clarify, is this a request or challenge for someone else to write a story based on your premise, or are you writing a story, with input from other people? If the latter is the case, this is not the place to do that, so I'll need to move this thread for you. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  9. http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php It is here, the third one from the bottom in the list to your left. Click the link there, and then you'll get a list of options "Alternate Universe, Crossover, General, Het, Slash, F/F, etc." Click the appropriate one of those and that will take you to exclusively Ruroni Kenshin stories of that type. It is not enough to only click Ruroni Kenshin, you must pick a subcategory too to find those stories. And I moved this to a more appropriate forum...
  10. Guest_KrazyIvan, this is not how to use this forum. Please refer to BronxWench's answer to your thread concerning this same story.
  11. Love_Hina_Fan, read the PM I sent you.
  12. Hey, Calanthee, I moved your question to a new post, since it was an unrelated question. Lets hope the girls can answer you soon.
  13. Hey, Magus, since I hardly ever catch you guys in the SB... This made me think of you, to be absolutely honest: http://distractify.com/trending/2016/04/07/dad-illustrations Just ignore the article, and check out the illustrations. I didn't link you the instagram itself, because it didn't have these illustrations in a "story" context like the article, but I hope you and the girls enjoy them.
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