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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. It does not appear anyone has picked up this challenge, so this is still just a challenge/request, not an actual story. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  2. As far as I know, we are not creating new categories at the moment, because of a bug that appeared after the big update. (Our tech admin will correct me if that's wrong) As for the categories, as far as I can see there are crossover categories in both Yuyu and Inuyasha, which can be found here: Yuyu: http://yuyu.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=1503 Inuyasha: http://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php?cat=14 Yuyu, Inuyasha and Naruto all have their own archives, and do therefore not fall under the "Anime" archives. Also, it is preferred that crossover stories be placed in the archive of the world which is used as the Main setting of the story, if I remember correctly.
  3. We do prefer people create a search thread of their own, instead of posting unrelated search requests in other people's search threads. But, I won't object if people are looking for recommendations from you, since you claim to have read so many stories. My suggestion is, it would be easier on you if you were to keep an eye on the Harry Potter Search forum, and answer other people's search questions. Just remember we do not allow links to Wayback machine type sites, or sharing of copies of stories that have been taken down for any reason. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  4. Sometimes, I so hate it when I'm right... :(

    1. CL Mustafic

      CL Mustafic

      You'd hate to be me then because I'm always right. But seriously, sometimes it sucks to be right. *hugs*

    2. WillowDarkling


      Oh, I'm always right too :D But sometimes it just sucks to be right... ::snuggles::

  5. This story was taken down for publication. Therefore we do not allow links to Wayback machine sites, nor do we allow copies of the story to be passed around through our site. We ask that our users respect that the author took this story down to have it published, and abide by our rules. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator. ::takes off moderator hat:: And as an author myself, I encourage those interested in this story to look up this author's published work, and consider supporting her work.
  6. well... we do not allow replying to reviews in the reviews on your stories, but you are welcome to start a thread in the appropriate forum for review replies. We even allow you to put links in your story to link to the review reply threads. But, just be warned that if you reply to flame reviews in the same vein as the flamers, you might end up getting told off by the moderators. So, it's a thin line to tread. But, welcome and don't hesitate to ask if you need any help with stuff.
  7. If you receive any kind of reviews that are flaming, or personal attacks on your stories, you should report them immediately, because this is a moderated archive, and we take flaming and such very seriously. The only thing we expect really is that you follow the rules, and do as you're asked if the archive mods ask you to fix issues with your stories (like tagging, disclaimers and such). We are a friendly bunch, most of the time.
  8. First of all, no one is trying to mob or attack you. I am the forum moderator, so I deal with things related to the Forum, while BronxWench is an Archive moderator, so she deals with archive related matters, and is far better at answering archive related questions. I do not have access to the site's emails so I can't answer why you did not get a response through that. But, to Edit your Forum Profile, go to your profile and in the upper right hand corner, below the ShoutBox window, you should see a black button that says, "Edit my Profile". Click that, and then you should get a list of things you can change. Near the bottom there should be a "Profile Information" box. There you can add the url to your Archive profile, and at the bottom you'll see a "Penname" option, there you should add your correct Penname. And the link to the archive profile is required, because this is a forum for our writers.
  9. Moved this to the correct subforum, since it does not comply with the Promote a Story forum rules. And seeing as how the original poster has not been active since July 2015, I would assume that the story has been abandoned. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  10. This is the profile that comes up for the user name: GogetaInu. http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296858524
  11. First of all, that is not the archive profile that you have linked in your Forum profile. And second, have you updated your account in the new system. Other than that, I am not sure what the problem could be. One of our archive mods will be around later, and they can probably answer better than I can.
  12. Moved to the correct subforum. As for the question, there is currently no option to follow a story, other than to bookmark the story in question and then check on it regularly. If you have an Archive account though, you can add your story to your "Currently Reading" or "Recommended Reading" lists, on your Archive profile. This will also require you to check on the stories regularly. There are a few authors on the Archive who have links to their personal social media profiles on their profiles, where they do offer update announcements for their readers, so if any of your authors offer that, you can always follow them that way.
  13. Moved this to the correct forum. Let me know if I got the subforum wrong, though. Please make sure that you post review reply threads in the correct forums from now on. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  14. Just letting you know, you need to register for the forum as well, since the Archive and the Forum are two separate databases. But welcome, and happy writing.
  15. Hey, guys. Just wanted to remind you that we don't allow story content on the forum, so I've limited story content to only ten lines. I'm letting this speech part slide, since it's only a line and a half over the limit, but please don't post story content in the forum. I am also trying to find a better place for you guys to work together on this, and have asked the admins for help. I'm thinking maybe the Writer's Corner, or Story Collaborations forum would be a better place for this, but I noticed one of you doesn't have an account with us, so I will need to know whether you can use those forums I mentioned without an account. And that brings me to a totally different thing. Since we don't allow stories posted by others in the Archive, the archive mods are going to need some things from you both, in regards to this being a co-authored story, when you post it to the Archive. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  16. I'm going to have to ask you to please stop bumping all of your threads so rapidly. It takes time for Challenges and Requests to be answered, so please be patient. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  17. I'm going to have to ask you to please stop bumping all of your threads so rapidly. It takes time for Challenges and Requests to be answered, so please be patient. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  18. I'm going to have to ask you to please stop bumping all of your threads so rapidly. It takes time for Challenges and Requests to be answered, so please be patient. Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator.
  19. 5年目。ご冥福をお祈り致します。

  20. Alrighty... I haven't read Rowlings new story, which is the cause of all this, but I have to agree with the notion that this whole thing is a bit of a storm in a Tumblr teapot. I am not going to say that none of those tweeters are Navaho, or of any other Native American nation, but in my experience, most of them probably aren't. I've seen this before, in what became called "Kimono-gate". There a small group of young people screamed "cultural appropriation" when an art museum offered museum guests to put on a Japanese kimono and pose for a camera, in front of a Monet painting. It was an exhibition of Monet paintings, and the kimono was a replica of the kimono in the painting. These same youngsters, (as I recall, white, hispanic and one Chinese-American) then actually argued with a group of Japanese-American women, who showed up in authentic kimono. The Japanese-American women, some of whom were born in Japan and raised by Japanese parents in America, and many other Japanese-Americans were thrilled that the museum had come up with this idea (an idea that had been extremely well received at the sister museum in Japan), and were excited to share a part of their history and culture with the world, even though it was via a French impressionist painter. And these protesters argued with the Japanese-American women, and told them they should be offended. The end result was that the museum buckled and only displayed the kimono, instead of letting people try it on, and imitate a French impressionist painting. Now, from my own point of view, as Bronx has said more than once... There is no outrage when Marvel appropriates one of my ancient gods, and turns him into a blond, pantyhose wearing pansy. My people just think that's funny, and we know our Thor could take that Thor any day in a fight, blind drunk, with a blindfold and one leg tied behind his back. We don't go crazy and cry appropriation when Spanish people, or Americans, or Australians don horned helmets and cry "We're Viking". We just giggle and roll our eyes and remind ourselves, "Vikings didn't put horns on their heads." And then we sell the damned things to the tourists, because... wait for it... that's what tourists expect! I do believe that, yes, as writers, as people in general, we should respect other peoples beliefs, and cultural heritage, but that does not mean that we should avoid writing about anything but our "own heritage". My writing would be horrendously boring if I did. A good example of this very argument, which I have not seen anyone go up in arms about is Neil Gaiman's "American Gods". That is fantasy, and dear gods, how many religions and cultural heritages does Gaiman "appropriate" for that one book? It's an awesome book, and I actually found myself looking up some of the things that he wrote about, so I could learn about the very myths and gods that he was writing about. And also, since it was mentioned, whenever I pick up a book written in English, I always, without exception assume that the writer is a white American, unless the name is obviously Japanese, or Spanish, or Russian or Polish. Which is why I usually start by reading the back of the book to see if I can figure out where the writer is from. It is not because I am a white American. It is simply because I am as white as they come Scandinavian, but my country has been quite "American-ized". So, it has become an automatic reaction to seeing an English "white-sounding" name, to assume the person is white American. I know that I am not anywhere near as eloquent as Bronx, and Chrissy, and I don't have any real argument like they do but I whole heartedly agree with them. Especially with Chrissy, on this part: Fear of reprisal doesn't breed respect or understanding-- it enforces white washing. Fear also breeds more racism. Then you end up with the Oscars (why not have more non-white writers? because they can't find jobs outside of writing about non-white people thanks to the problem created by your argument). People being afraid of writing something because of the backlash they might receive is the opposite of progress. When no one attempts to engage with cultures outside of their own it props up racism because it promotes Othering and exoticism that leads to fetishizing. End quote As a writer, I could not agree with this more. If I only wrote about my culture I would be the most boring writer in history, and we honestly don't need that many stories about flea bitten vikings, eating sheep and going on raids. Or about depressed detectives solving murders, and having bad relationships with their pregnant, junkie daughters. The market is limited, in that respect, really. So, that's my two very lousy cents. Diversity is necessary in writing. We just have to do it respectfully and do our research before we write. And as readers, we must remember that, unless it is an official auto-biography, or biography, it is all fiction, and much of fiction is fantasy.
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