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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. I'm sorry that I can't help you find this fic, but I wanted to ask if you're looking for the same story as this person: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/34571-minotaur-mf/ If it is, then I suggest you keep an eye on that thread as well as this one, just in case someone does find this story for you guys. And then you can also let the other person know if someone gives you the link to the story. If it's not the same story, then I'm sorry and just let me know, so I can remove this post. But either way, happy hunting, and I hope someone can help.
  2. It is TOO HOT... I'm MELTING!!!!

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    2. WillowDarkling


      LOL... Bronxie, up here a sauna is a steam bath. Water poured over hot rocks to created steam :) We use the Finnish word for it. Or at least I think it's Finnish.

    3. BronxWench


      I lived with a Finn... I adore saunas! Steambaths, however, are moister and humid. Thise make me nuts and I run from them... :P

    4. WillowDarkling


      well, whaddya know... I always thought steam bath and sauna were the same thing :D well, then it was like a steam cooker :P

  3. since Lawless2 doesn't have a like button on his post, I just have to... :clap:
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