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  1. I'm looking for a completed m/m fantasy fic, that featured a snooty, goodlooking prince and the dark-skinned, quiet man hired to be his protector. From what I can remember the prince is the first-born son of a royal family with some magical abilities, and he is cursed into a female form - his next born brother is now the heir and our main character is going to be married off to a king somewhere else. His younger brother helps him escape, and takes him to a ship where the other main character (the male love interest) is a captain/guard and will ferry him safely to wherever the prince needs to go. The prince is being chased by the fae (?) because of his magical abilities and he has something that they want. What really stands out to me in this fic is the fact that the prince turns back into his original male form when he gets wet, so when it rains and such. Once he dries he becomes a female once again. It was definitely a m/m though, which the author made clear. The prince's love interest was tall, dark-skinned and also very attractive, he was soft-spoken and gentle and also had a brother. He mentioned a prophecy that said he would kill his brother and fall in love with a man who could turn into a woman, or something like this. That is about all I can remember, any help would be greatly appreciated in finding this story again. Thank you.
  2. hi, thank you for the link! i'm pretty sure that's the same story i'm searching for as well, so thanks a heap i'll make sure to keep tabs on the result of that search as well!
  3. hi! there's a story i think i read a couple of months ago and it's been bugging me as i haven't found it yet, although i keep on searching for it. I don't really remember exactly, but it was a m/f minotaur story. the protagonist was female, so either the story was in first-person or described from her POV, and i don't exactly remember how but she was to be sacrificed or given to the minotaur/beast creature. warnings for beast obviously So it's sort of a retelling of theseus and the minotaur, but not really. i think she talks to the minotaur, or it's able to understand her, so there isn't any non-con. All i really remember (and why i'm looking for it haha) is that she enjoys the sex XD i'm pretty sure it was in original fics, though i did look through the folklore/myths/legends section in books and wasn't able to find it :S any help would be much appreciated!
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