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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. It has been confirmed. I am as pretty on the inside as I am on the outside! The doctor said so :D

    1. BronxWench


      I could have told him that! ::huggles her Neko::

    2. SweetKagamineKiss
  2. *applauds* finally we have a name, although no face to go with the little troll. Seriously, if you dislike the fact that our staff work their asses off to keep this site up and running for us, for absolutely free and for no salaries at all, then what the hell are you doing here? And you should get your facts straight. I am not a staff member. I am just someone who follows the rules and post my stories here, because this place is open for material that other sites do not allow. And I can't stand it when people hide behind anonymity to curse out the staff who are only doing their jobs. They get enough shit as is, there is no need for people to make a scene in public. And seriously, you call my remarks immature?! You call the staff Nazis!! How fucking immature can you get? And keeping the Minors off this site is not negative vindictiveness, it is a necessity. If this site were found to allow minors on here, there could be serious legal consequences for the people who stand behind the site. Not to mention that the site would be taken down, and then you'd lose ALL of your "favorite" authors! Which is obviously what you think is just a-okay! Your energy should be better spent being annoyed at the author who couldn't follow one vital rule. Wait until you're 18 years old. That's it! No matter how well you write, or how many stories you have, just WAIT until you're 18! So, I just ask again, Scrobette, what the hell are you doing here if you hate this site so much?
  3. GUEST... shut the fuck up! I swear, I've started to suspect that you are an author that has been removed from the site and are so petty that you just can't act your age.... You're getting really annoying. This site is clearly marked as being for 18 years and older, not for little kids who think they are entitled to risk the people behind the site. So, either shut up and get lost, or stop hiding behind anonymity, and come out and show us how grown up you are.
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