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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. I have to agree with BronxWench on this completely. As an author of original works in the archive, I would be very uncomfortable knowing that readers could easily download my story without permission from me. (not that I'd give such a permission anyway). And therefore I'd have to say that I'd be opposed to it being an option. Also, if it were made an option I would remove my original works, to be completely honest.
  2. If the story was hidden because of an issue with the disclaimer, it will be unhidden as soon as the author fixes the disclaimer. This is done to protect first of all the writer, and secondly the site.
  3. Guest, who is too much of a wuzz to give us a name! Don't you even dare to try and start yet another flame war concerning this author! JennMarie was underage when she posted to this site, and therefore she was deleted along with all of her stories. It is clearly stated all over the site that you MUST be 18 at the time of posting, because this site deals with adult material. And that rule applies to everyone! Even JennMarie. So, sorry that the story is gone, but blame it on the author herself, since she was obviously unable to follow one simple rule, not our moderators and staff who work tirelessly, as volunteers, to keep this site up and running, and open for absolutely free. Monja. I am sorry that I can't help with finding either story, and sadly if JennMarie wrote Butter, then it is gone from the site. But I do hope someone can help you finding the other story.
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