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Status Updates posted by WillowDarkling

  1. I want to wish a happiest of birthdays, to our magnificent @BronxWench 

    May the day be wonderful and full of delight. And here’s to another full circle around the sun. :bday:  :cheers:

    All gifts in the form of shimmering gold and very sparsely clothed pretties that we may have in our possession, especially of the impish and the elvish variety, will be happily accepted. Gold will be kept, but pretties will be returned, unscathed and very exhausted. :thankyou:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BronxWench


      Thank you! It was nicely uneventful, which I appreciate no ends! :lol: 

    3. GeorgeGlass


      Hope you had a great one, BW!

    4. BronxWench


      I did indeed, thank you! :lol: 


  2. https://icelandmonitor.mbl.is/news/news/2023/11/10/threat_of_civil_protection_declared/

    Yeah… so, the parental units and baby sis with her fam are all living in the town next to these, and the threat of an eruption is growing larger, so I’d greatly appreciate all and any vibes of the good and safety kind to be sent their way if you can spare them, and if you have any gods or goddesses that you are on friendly terms with I’d also appreciate any pokes you’d be willing to give them on my family’’s behalf. This shit is getting scary now that the threat of an eruption is so close to town. Thank you, all. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GeorgeGlass
    3. WillowDarkling


      Thanks so much guys. The latest updates are that my family got to go into town (along with some 2000 other folks) to get essentials from their houses, so both sis and her fam, and our parents have their essentials, and other valuables that they could gather in time (and my nephew’s hamster), and both reported that there’s no damage to either house. There are some cracks on the outside of my parents’ house, but they don’t seem to be more than surface damage, at least from what my parents could see. 

      As for the town itself, there’s a crack that’s going through the entire town, and the entire west side of the town has sunk by around one metre. So, that’s an interesting development, and the danger isn’t over yet. But, the scientists are sounding a bit more optimistic that there won’t be an eruption inside the town, although it has not been ruled out completely. 

    4. GeorgeGlass


      Oh man, it’s the season finale of Stranger Things all over again. 

      Seriously, glad the fam is okay.

  3. The Naming of Cats

    T. S. Eliot
    1888 – 

    The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
         It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
    You may think at first I’m as mad as a hatter
    When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.
    First of all, there’s the name that the family use daily,
         Such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo, or James,
    Such as Victor or Jonathan, George or Bill Bailey—
         All of them sensible everyday names.
    There are fancier names if you think they sound sweeter,
         Some for the gentlemen, some for the dames:
    Such as Plato, Admetus, Electra, Demeter—
         But all of them sensible everyday names,
    But I tell you, a cat needs a name that’s particular,
         A name that’s peculiar, and more dignified,
    Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular,
         Or spread out his whiskers, or cherish his pride?
    Of names of this kind, I can give you a quorum,
         Such as Munkustrap, Quaxo, or Coricopat,
    Such as Bombalurina, or else Jellylorum—
         Names that never belong to more than one cat.
    But above and beyond there’s still one name left over,
         And that is the name that you never will guess;
    The name that no human research can discover—
         But THE CAT HIMSELF KNOWS, and will never confess.
    When you notice a cat in profound meditation,
         The reason, I tell you, is always the same:
    His mind is engaged in a rapt contemplation
         Of the thought, of the thought, of the thought of his name:
              His ineffable effable
    Deep and inscrutable singular name.

    From Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. Copyright © 1939 by T. S. Eliot, renewed © 1967 by Esme Valerie Eliot.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Though Romulus was five years ago.. yeah, some never vanish.  (Got his urn so...there’s that.)

    3. BronxWench


      Christopher Bean, Toivo, Aino, Matti… I still miss each of them.

    4. manta2g


      Momar, Gabriel, Alphonse. Miss them still.  Ninhursag turns 14 and Enki 13 in a week.  The kittens (Namtar &  Lillitu) are a year and a half.

  4. Is it a sign that I’m getting old, or that the parental units are getting old, when the pair of them go down on their hands and knees to peer under the kitchen cabinets, and my first thought is, “Are they both going to be able to get up ok?”….?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Whatever you do, don’t look at their subscriber list either.

    3. WillowDarkling


      @Wilde_Guess You are very right. I am so lucky to still have them both. They’ve both had to bury their parents already, only one of whom passed from old age. And my parents are still relatively healthy so I am selfish and hope they’ll stick around for a while longer. :hug:

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Ditto, mine are rapidly reaching the age their folks were at passing, I hope they push beyond, maybe their “better” vegan diet will help?

  5. le sigh... Love me some good and well done magical realism… Decided to give the show “Raising Dion” a chance. Got into it, like it, actually quite like it… then watch seven year old with superpowers break into super secret lab to find a bunch of animals that would be exotic in the eyes of a little black kid in the middle of Atlanta, and he goes 
    ”Wow, where do all these animals come from?”
    Godfather-mentor-sidekick: “They come from Iceland...” while staring at a pair of sheep in a glass cage.
    Me…: “OOooh, yeah, no, they don’t, buddy, those are not Icelandic, and that horse sure as shit ain’t either.” 
    Magical realism utterly shattered...

    1. Wilde_Guess


      My first reaction was shared disappointment as above.  My second reaction was to try hiring Ste7en Foster to redo the audio track—never mind that the show is real-life instead of anime, and that hearing-impaired viewers would become intensely confused since unlike anime lip-flaps, you can read lips in real-life film and video.  My third reaction was that some Icelandic rancher must be pissed that some magical ne’er-do-well has stolen all his animals, and that “Gramps” is either a “Dionverse” Auror or in on it.  Oh, well...

  6. From the year 2023 Happy New Year, and hope you celebrated responsibly :D   :party::cheers:

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I slept since I figure it’s best to start off well rested :)

    2. BronxWench


      New Year’s Eve was quiet, and I’ve been spending New Year’s Day catching up on laundry and configuring the new computer, which is replacing my 10-year old Dell. (Yes, I finally surrendered and admitted I can’t tweak it anymore without replacing pretty much everything inside it, which led to the realization that it was cheaper to just buy a new computer… :lol:  )

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Sleeping aside, mostly playing the “game” this holiday break – sometimes it’s better to play it through and tire of it (eventually), though this does mean no story updates from me. 

  7. To all those who celebrate… 

    Happy Yule, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Solstice, and if you don’t celebrate anything have a wonderful Friday and Saturday :D  Be safe, and may you have  love and happiness, good health and joy. 

    1. BronxWench


      All my love to you and the family for a wonderful Christmas! :hug: :wub: 

      But I’ll second Willow’s wishes for everyone. No matter how you celebrate, may your days be filled with joy and wonder. 

    2. WillowDarkling


      And that should of course have been Saturday and Sunday, since the 24th and 25th came up on those days :D  But whatever, the greeting still stands. :D  

    3. WillowDarkling


      And all my love to you and the family, @BronxWench for a wonderful Christmas too. :hug:  :wub: 

  8. Happiest of birthdays to our resident red dragon, @BronxWench
    Hope you have an awesome day and that your daft ones be less daft just this once. 

    May your blessings outnumber
    The Shamrocks that grow
    And may trouble avoid you
    Wherever you go.

    Love you, BronxiePooh :party::cheers::bday:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Melrick


      Happy birthday to you!  I hope it was a good one. :birthday:

    3. BronxWench


      Thank you! It was uneventful, which is always good! :lol: 

    4. Melrick


      That’s always my definition of a good day, and uneventful one!

  9. Rest in peace, Leslie Jordan, you glorious pint sized imp. :cry:

  10. For sale, one left leg, slightly used, going cheap… gimpy left hip included… :dots:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Melrick


      I’ll trade you my bent spine that doesn’t quite work normally.  I’ll have your left leg because it might be better than my gammy left knee.

    3. WillowDarkling


      But you have to accept the gimpy left hip with the leg, Melrick, so it might be a questionable trade. :D

    4. Melrick


      lol Okay, I guess I’ll stick with what I’ve got.

  11. That awkward moment when you see a “Report notification” for the first time in weeks and think to yourself “Oh, there’s someone reporting something.” and then it creeps up on you… I am the moderator and it’s my job to deal with that. (We're not mentioning that I’m also the one who made the damned spam report!)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      Keeping myself on my toes, apparently :D  And isn’t that how one usually gets a promotion? :D  


    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      “Promotions” usually entail going up into management, thus I try to avoid them!

    4. WillowDarkling


      See, this is why I was smart, made myself the resident Neko, and now they can’t get rid of me, so they give me shiny stuffs to keep me quiet, and less bitey :D  

  12. There is not enough squee in the world for that moment when one randomly finds a copy of Diana Wynne Jones’s Howl’s Moving Castle on the Free Books table at the University library…. :happykitten:

  13. AAAAAAND we have eruption number two, in as many years… fun fun fun :D At least it’s stopped shaking now, I guess.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      everyone’s great, trust me, eruption is better than constant earthquakes :D And it’s in a very similar location as the previous eruption, so the town’s safe :D


    3. BronxWench


      You know I worry about your mum and the gas emissions. But yes, I imagine this is better than the thousands of earthquakes they were talking about! :D


    4. WillowDarkling


      Thank you, love. As for the gas emissions mum knows how it affects her so she’ll be more careful this time (I hope :huh: ) so now we’ll just have to hope for “good” wind directions while this lasts :lol:

  14. It’s taken me all day to process this… :no:

    Rest in peace, love and rock & roll, Taylor Hawkins. 

  15. Gaspard Ulliel, may you find rest and peace in the Summerlands. :cry:

  16. Happy New Year, everyone. Let’s hope 2022 will be great… in a good way. 

  17. Rest in peace, ms. Betty White. What an end to the year. :cry:

  18. Let’s all raise a toast to our brilliant  @BronxWench on her birthday. 

    Happy birthday, and may they be many more. :cheers:

    1. Melrick


      A happy birthday to you!  I hope you had a good one! :bday:

  19. That glorious fucking delicious moment when my groove suddenly returns… ! Holy fuck, I’m happy :D 

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Harness it, harness it, don’t let it escape!

  20. What does it mean when a movie makes you cry the second time you watch it? :cry: I mean, the first time around I get, then you don't know how it ends! But the second time…? What the hell does that mean?

  21. “There’s a TV, Joe.”


  22. Went to a toy store to buy a birthday present for niece, paternal unit asked if there were any spiders there. Went to the grocery store, found plastic spiders and bought them for the paternal unit. He’s 69 years old and walking around with a plastic spider on his finger.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      RIGHT?! I guess he’s the proof that growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional… :D 

    3. Desiderius Price
    4. WillowDarkling


      I absolutely agree with that… that’s why I still haven’t grown up :D


  23. Fasting turns me into a fucking Tinkerbell! I only have space for one emotion at a time, and it’s amplified tenfold because my body wants food!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Rick_Andrew


      Congrats on completing the fast, Willow ! Was Japanese Golden Curry and rice at the end of that rainbow ?

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      So, *THAT’S* the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  Now I know.  :sham:

    4. WillowDarkling


      Yups, had a big plate of Japanese Golden Curry and rice once I got home, and then ate a can of Pringles a little while later :D Hungry is not a flattering state for me. 

  24. Luca Marinelli...vaffanculo  :pissed::sex:

    Ogni giorno passo il tempo
    Bevo vino, sento meglio
    Resto qui e aspetto un segno
    Sperando possa vederlo
    Nei miei fogli non c'è più niente
    La carta piange, la penna mente
    Le parole che mi hai dato
    Le hai cancellate, ed ecco che

    (Jagermasterz, 2008, Ogni Giorno)

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