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Everything posted by Tempestuous

  1. Thank you very, very much! <3
  2. Thank you! And no rush of course, I understand you're busy. Anyway, I cleared out all of my cookies, but it didn't change anything.
  3. Didn't fix it for me, unfortunately. Still whenever I try to add a chapter it gives me that error message.
  4. Sorry to drop in on this, but it's very relevant to the problem I am having! I was editing my chapters today, and the first and second went fine, but it gave me an error message on the third. I tried everything from cutting down the length to reposting the entire chapter, and nothing worked. I think it must be the same kind of error as above with my formatting, but I can't seem to figure out what. Here's the exact error message I get: Method Not Implemented POST to /base/trans.php not supported. Any idea why? I post in the original section and I use Firefox. I've never had this problem before and I thought it might've been a temporary bug or something, but it's still there, and it's only doing it to that particular chapter.
  5. Haha, yeah, I've noticed. 8181
  6. 8175 We were a hundred or so further, now that I look back at the last page.
  7. Score! I adore Hatter and Alice. They had so much chemistry in the movie. <3 But the lack of smut about them is disturbing.
  8. Big fan here! Can I ask what pairings, though?
  9. It's kind of a double-edged sword to provide constructive crit. In the end it comes down to whether or not the author takes it personally. I myself never take constructive crit personally, since I don't really base any characters or stories on me unless I would specifically write a non-fic, so I treat it as something I'll need to fix and keep in mind for the future. But then there's those who go absolutely insane over it and call you a flamer who has no life, and even hunt down your stories to review them and call them stupid and worthless - well, you know how it goes. Nobody really likes criticism, but if it helps them move forward, they can learn to like it. Nevertheless, I tip my hat to anyone who reviews frequently with constructive criticism. Not everybody will appreciate it, but there's always those who will be grateful for it.
  10. Well, the link doesn't work, so I googled it and found it. It looks pretty good, and you're right, he is being a prick in less than 60 seconds. The special effects look really nifty, too. I forgot, but when does it come out again? If they even mentioned that already.
  11. 8129 (By the way, if you ever need naughty points, feel free to ask since I have a shitload to spare. )
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