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Everything posted by InvidiaRed

  1. 44777! Hark! The Heralds Call
  2. Got to love when your role expands but there’s no appropriate compensation.

    1. Ghost-of-a-Chance


      That’s some bullshit. You deserve better. 💜

  3. The winds of change have come

    Embrace it or resist it is the question.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Throw up a windmill and harness the power!  :)

    2. DemonGoddess


      What winds of change??

    3. Melrick


      I wish the winds of change would arrive here, because these current ones are hot and humid, and I’d like them to fuck off now, please.

  4. 4464! Behold the transition and back again.
  5. I feel seen lol! Not this time. Necessarily.
  6. From GeorgeGlass on December 23, 2024 "Apotheosis" by InvidiaRed (Warning: SPOILERS) So, Grandma is Santa Claus now? Or is Duncan Santa Claus, and Grandma is his boss? Interesting idea, either way. She is Mrs.Claus! She was more a mystery until this review and it just clicked. She succeeded mainly because she wasn’t after the power but rather she wanted to see her kids one last time. Its just as much a surprise to her that her ascension was such that an entire reality was hers. To her it was more a consolation prize, an after thought compared to what she wanted. Ascension indeed! It’s an all or nothing system. Succeed or be wiped utterly from existence. The government there in an oily evil way. Either was gifted or discovered it the rite of ascension. Made it publicly available for one reason. While the person might be gone. Their assets however remain so all capital and such returns to the state. And like utter bastards they neglect to mention being wiped from history or the downsides. While they hype up the benefits. Celebrities and billionaires easily fall victim to the rigors of the rite and like the ghouls they are the government is wholly counting on it. knowing full well none of them has the strength of character or a fully actualized personality to make a viable attempt. Scummy like no other. However, what they have never counted on is someone actually succeeding. Normal people might not be able to tell when people are erased but subconsciously they can still tell something is wrong. something is off. A person sized hole, An inexplicable gap they can’t explain. An absence in their lives that shouldn’t be. An unutterable disquiet. If the rite works then why hasn’t there been any successes?
  7. 44595! Behold the breath of Xmas’s herald!
  8. https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600110499&chapter=2
  9. Posted
  10. 44571! Ah the hear the ending of the old year!
  11. Apotheosis One women decides to go all in on Christmas Eve. Ascension is an all or nothing game. Succeed and the godhood is thine… Fail and being utterly erased from existence Tags: Pending
  12. Everyone is welcome to the winter festivies
  13. Ay Yo! Beat me to it lol.
  14. Did anyone else want to do Winter 2024? If not I’ll post it ere when I get back from my shift lol.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BronxWench


      Argh, pressure! :lol: 

      Maybe that’s the kick in the pants my muse needs.

    3. InBrightestDay



      Ok, I waited, and since I didn’t see any announcement I didn’t do any more writing on Meaningful Gifts.  I figured we were all just waiting for next year.

      I’m really sorry.  If you want to do one this year with @BronxWench, IR and @GeorgeGlass, I’ll post reviews of all the stories, but if you all wish to skip this year and return for AFF Winter Holiday 2025, I’ll be there for sure.

    4. GeorgeGlass
  15. 44539!
  16. 44533! Huzzah!
  17. 44505
  18. 44499! And so it goes upon this march to eternity.
  19. Mine Time hath come, As it always has, as it always will! For to be even is not to be odd! 44479!
  20. 44461!
  21. From GeorgeGlass on November 05, 2024 "Tears of a Deadworld" by InvidiaRed I like the idea of a decoy cockpit on the ship. And I liked the contrast between “gardens of tasteful bone” and “forests of gore.” I guess everything's relative. I wanted to have a twist. The decoy I’ve always wanted to do! The gardens of bone is closest to bonsai pruning. I wanted to showcase how while amelio is human, he is from an entirely different…. Flowering or branching off if that makes sense. Human but completely alien mindset. Humanity did not spring up all at once. In all likely hood the ice age probably wiped out the unluckier earlier groupings, as did predation and the other homid subspecies who were better suited to megafuna oriented environs. Amelio found it incredibly easy to infiltrate as aside from one complete indivisible difference, Nothing short of an in-depth genetic analysis would turn up anything. The ability to create, manipulate and alter supernatural phenomena. Magic. Amelio’s people simply had another option on the tech tree and aren’t as dependent on mundane tech for solutions. Some really are reality warpers. This is a case where their power is closest to Marvel and the Dresden files. Amelio’s colony that he presides over made him the best candidate as they have successfully managed to blend Magic and Tech into Magitech. While humanity has managed to populate the solar system, they would be dismayed to learn, not only are they not the first to leave their cradle world. They aren’t even remotely close to catching up to their brethren and their vast territories. These nearest colonies such as Amelio’s could be considered the rearguard and the protectors of their cradle world.
  22. I do hope you revisit the setting and characters ❤️
  23. 44429! Behold the glory of 11/01!
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