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InvidiaRed last won the day on November 5

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  1. Nearly done with the last preview. :D


    But here’s a writer question isn’t it a nice thing to do to put your manuscript through spellchecker/grammarly so your editor doesn’t hate you? You know catch the obvious errors first.

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    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      “Sorcerer’s Stone” does run off the tongue a bit better than the Philosopher’s Stone, otherwise, yep, would’ve been better if the Britishisms weren’t removed.

      As to my potter fanfic, not sure where the old disclaimer that I was American went to, apologizing in advance for not being perfect to British.  However, I do try to insert some British where I can, particularly “todger” and “zebra crossing”.

    3. InvidiaRed


      Only have two HP fanfictions when where harry is trying to survive in a zombie apocalypse a scenario were the wizarding world is almost guaranteed to thrive in since wands don’t run out of bullets 

      And a dark lord Harry who AK’d peter in the graveyard, a relatively slow corruption story hahah.


    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’ve only got one potter fanfic I’m working on, now A/U because it was a “continue the story” type of fic that was popular between book releases, and it’s interesting enough to finish.  As it’s technically a sequel to my first “continue the story” fanfic, which itself was “continue the story” based on  another (now abandoned) fanfic, I can’t bring the story itself to AFF w/o filing off the serial numbers which I couldn’t bring myself to do.   However, it’s plenty fun to write with Harry being framed up to be a “suspected dark wizard” and it pokes fun at the Harry/Ginny shipping.

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