^ Is completely right.
< Always gets home... not always her own home... but always gets there.
< Is wondering if it's time for rainbow toe socks to make a comeback.
V Believes rainbow toe socks never really went out of style
^ Can have his pencil back
< Hands Agaib his pencil
< Drops her own in the process... but has managed to pick it up with her toes.
V Is wondering how bendy one must be to get pencil from toes to mouth.
I am very frustrated with the housing market in my home town right now.
I am tired of phoning apartment complexes that have signs saying vacancy and being told there is no vacancy!!
I am feeling better now that I've gotten that off my chest.
^ knows my secret.... and now must be stopped before the world finds out...
< Realised that the world has already found out about my secret because many people will have read that post by now...
< Will just give up on secret all together.
V Wondering if I've gone mental.