(grappa is a liquer made from the leftovers from wine-making[seeds,twigs,swill])
I have, a friend in high school had it.
I have never dressed as a character from a movie for the premier (Star Wars, X-Men etc)
^ Is very observant... I have neither patience or effort ninety percent of the time.
< Didn't wake hubby last night... watched cheesy late night tv instead.
V Is a huge fan of Jimmy Kimmel
^ Was missed very much!
< Is soooooo bored and hates being the only one awake in the house.
V Thinks I should be mean and go wake up hubby to keep me company.
I am bored and very much awake.
I am sick of laying in bed staring at the ceiling while hubby snores.
I am hoping I will bump into someone online...
I am thinking I may be too hopeful.