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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. 2075 (Dear god I'll be 94... *shudder*)
  2. Woohoo! Zimarah?
  3. ^ should know I don't like doing physical labor < will not be digging up sexbots for that very reason < Is wondering where one gets a sexbot V Is a master sexbot builder
  4. Nope... its me... do I feel another run coming on? Zimarah?
  5. I have... pretty blue... I have never ridden in the back of a pick-up truck
  6. ^ BUMPED ME!!! < Is sure that this MPreg thing was started by that stupid Arnie movie... Junior was it? V Is horrified that I am mocking Junior
  7. I think you just lost some money. Melody?
  8. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am certain, once I manage to get all the chocolate off, I will let Melody know!
  9. I have. Cows kick. Hard. I have never been a bridesmaid
  10. Not guilty. Has been tempted to leave someone tied up.
  11. Here's to the Night (song)
  12. I have had all my wisdom teeth pulled... *shudder* not a fun time let me tell you! I have never babysat an infant I was not related to.
  13. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am very happy with my chocolate covered Gambit! I am thanking Melody very very much.
  14. Breakfast
  15. ^ Thinks I find anything wierd < Hasn't found something like that weird for a long time... is actually at the point of getting used to MPreg stories... not liking them mind you, just getting used to their presence v Likes MPreg stories
  16. Madonna
  17. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am jealous of Melody's chocolate covered Snapes. I am a bit on the hung-over side because of a surprise early birthday party. I am getting old
  18. 2072 (If I live to this year... I'll be a crazy old woman with a hundred cats)
  19. Vacation
  20. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thanking StoryJunkie for noticing my use of emoticons. I am addicted to emoticons. I am seeking help... really... I mean it
  21. ^ Is off to start a cult worshipping anything but toe socks < Just made her last comment about socks. < Is thinking she needs to join CARLS V Is singing along to cheesy pop music
  22. Me either (btw StoryJunkie don't feel too bad. Not everyone has to live up to their provincial stereo-type... I'm in Alberta, I've never voted Conservative and...) I have never ridden a horse
  23. Not Guilty... thank god... Has burned ants with a magnifying glass
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