i am noticing that as well... but the "I am no longer allowed to..." game is a bit more....
I am looking for the right word...
I am thinking it is outragous
I am thinking that the "I am" game is always harder than it seemed at the beginning.
I am avoiding doing anything productive.
I am in the grip of a horrible writer's block monster
I am thinking I might need a new chocolate covered superhero to save me from the monster.
^ Has the right idea about angstiness
< Isn't generally the whiny type... perfers to yell and scream about her problems
V Thinks yelling and screaming will solve all problems
^ Should know superheroes are alot of fun, if you don't mind the occasional bout of angst
< Puts her superhero away when he gets angsty, then feels guilty and tries to cheer him up.
V Is very good at cheering people up.
^ Would have to be naked to count them all
< Does not have time to count Agaib's kinks as she is still wondering where she put her once-chocolate covered Gambit.
V Has never lost a superhero